Are People Taking Advantage of Welfare?

I believe in helping people. Now the government has a good idea with welfare, but I believe some people are misusing the idea of it so they don't have to work. In my city around 1/4 of the people are on welfare. Now I believe that our senior citizens, war veterans with disabilities and people who actually have some kind of disability hindering them should be taken care of by the government.

In my city there is a waiting list of people, this list decides who gets to live in public housing and who doesn't. These public houses include four bedrooms, 2 and a half bath and comes with a washer and dryer. If it was a normal citizen paying rent on this kind of house it would be around $1100 a month. People on welfare have to pay $27. I don't really think that is fair. Most of the people on welfare are in good health and do almost next to nothing and get everything for free.

Don't get me wrong, I think welfare and food stamps for are good idea, but the government needs to start buckling down on who gets it. People who are disabled in a very serious way, as in limbs missing or mentally, should get to be on welfare because they have actual things holding them back from doing work. Our veterans who apply for welfare should definitely be accepted because they have served our country in one of the greatest ways. The elderly should also be accepted and put at the top of the list if they apply for welfare, because they have done their job most of their lives and deserve to live their final years and die in peace.

Well I guess my point is that welfare is good but people are taking advantage of it so they don't have to work. I know that sounds harsh but from talking to many of my teachers whose family members are on welfare, they agree.

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