Debunking Five Arguments Against Same-Sex Marriage - Comments

  • Thank you. Just plain thank you :) This article really means a lot to me.
    November 26th, 2012 at 01:53am
  • This is great! I got a little confused at bits, but I'm good. This is great.
    November 25th, 2012 at 02:57am
  • I loved this article. Beautifully written with some solid points made. I have to add, something that really pisses me off is that in the UK, heterosexual couples can opt for a civil partnership. In my eyes, they're getting their cake and eating it, yet homosexual couples are disallowed a proper legal marriage. Why should they be defined as different?

    Futhermore, the Bible is an outdated text written by various men years after Jesus died. As far as I know, most Christians use it as a flexible moral code, rather than taking it completely literally anyway. I can't speak for America, but it's less religious people opposing gay marriage in the UK, more stupid, ignorant people who have little to no moral compass anyway.

    But I digress. Wonderful article - there should definitely be more like this on Mibba.
    August 11th, 2012 at 11:25pm
  • We have the same problem here in Australia, although the majority of the public in Australia want the government to legalize gay marriage for some unknown reason the government just doesn't want to do it. Which is stupid. However, I think America is starting to see reason and there are millions of people in America who want same sex marriage to happen, which is good and better than it was before twenty years ago.

    I personally think that certain people in governments (Australia and America) have their own bias and agendas and thus clouding their judgement. Religion has a huge part to play in government, and in many cases the religious values like "homosexuality is a sin" undermines the progression of human compassion, empathy and civil rights. I'm not saying that all religious people feel this way towards the gay community, but one cannot deny that whenever the debate about same sex marriage comes up religion gets dragged into it.

    I think both of our countries are at the cusp of change though, the public just needs to take control and tell our governments what we want to happen.
    July 10th, 2012 at 11:23am
  • Any argument used to make gay marriage illegal is just irrelevant. I thought god wanted peace, and wanted people not to judge each other. So why do people use god against gay marriage? I'll never understand this. While I'm not a christian I know many of them and there are people on each side. Some friends oppose same-sex marriage while others completely support it. I don't believe it really comes down to religion, but it comes down to the person.

    As for me I'm in full support of marriage between any two people. I don't see the problem and I don't even see why there's a debate over it. I think it's just stupid, and cruel.
    June 24th, 2012 at 04:16pm
  • Civil Partnerships have been legal in the UK since 2004, and in 2007 I attended the civil partnership of two uncles. I'll never understand why people care what other people do and why people are so against gay and lesbian couples getting married but I can tell you one thing; nothing in this country has changed other than the fact two homosexual people can commit to each other in a civil partnership.
    May 30th, 2012 at 02:04pm
  • My best friend is gay and honestly, I'm very religeous and I do believe in the Christian God 150%, but I disagree with the statement that homosexuals are damned into hell automatically. Last time I checked, the only thing that got you into hell is if you didn't believe in God and you don't ask for forgiveness for your sins. My friend is also a very religeous Christian. Plus, it is not a choice, after all he's gone through it really upsets me that people say he chooses to be that way. He has told me many times he wishes he were a heterosexual so he wasn't on the outs. I'm sorry, but I'm very serious about these matters because they are so close to my heart. I wish people would look at the big picture and realize that many things in the Bible are excused today because of their irrevelency, why not gay rights?
    May 30th, 2012 at 02:37am
  • All I have to say is, why can't we let them be happy? I don't see what's wrong with people who care for each other wanting to be married. I doubt, that we let a lesbian or gay couple get married, that we would suddenly be plagued. Just let them be happy, doesn't matter what religion you belong to, or what your reasons are for not liking it. There SHOULDN'T be a reason to hate on love! Let them be happy, and grant them that one day of happiness that everyone dreams of. <3
    May 29th, 2012 at 07:08pm
  • can i just say what the hell is with all the religion bashing here the article is about dumb reasons people have against gay marriage so WTF ppl im christian and i got no problem with gay people!!!!!! Sad
    May 28th, 2012 at 10:44am
  • i like this article. as to the polygamy my point my question is 'so?' even if it did, who cares? no one is forcing you to participate in polygamy. i am personally for the legalization of polygamy. i wouldn't partake in it, but it's not my business what two consenting adults want to do as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else. i am so sick of people thinking that it is their business.
    May 28th, 2012 at 12:41am
  • I really like this article. Personally, I don't really care if a girl and a girl get married or a boy and a boy. It's their life and, frankly, none of our business. As to quote my Biology teacher's friend who is gay, "Why the hell do you care who I sleep with?" I think people need to take a step back and see what their doing to the world so they can see how big of a dumb*ss they are.
    May 27th, 2012 at 02:19am
  • The same-sex marriage argument shouldn't even be discussed, because God(whether you believe in him or not), and like many have said before me, why would he create us in his image, but not allow us to love the people we want to love, and marry the person that we choose to marry? This world is a test for God, he throws curve balls at everyone to see how they will react to in absurd, but real situations. Sadly, same-sex marriage and being homosexual in-general is a test to see how the masses can handle people being so different from one another. It keeps us all from being the same person. That's why a person is called unique, and individual, because everyone is different from the person they look at.
    May 26th, 2012 at 09:07am
  • Okay, so that link didn't work. Please ignore my stupidity.
    May 24th, 2012 at 11:27pm
  • Thank you for being such an eloquent and intelligent individual. I only wish more people were exposed to this article. You know, the ones who honestly need to read this. I can only hope that humanity will slowly stop being ignorant and foolish, and you are a prime example of the growing intellectual percentage, at least in the U.S. Mr. Obama is also a good example. As in response to my girly teenage disposition, I squealed with zealous delight when he announced his stance on gay marriage. :D Then I proceeded to run about the house with my rainbow shirt on and scream various profanities.

    Anyways, incredible article. I enjoyed it. :D Reminds me of a satirical video I found on [youtube=]YouTube[/youtube] Interesting and funny video. I really don't understand some people. Their reasons against gay marriage are just stupid.
    May 24th, 2012 at 10:52pm
  • maybe I should confirm the initial argument as well, it is already proven that there are cases(scenarios) where you get a gay male(second to last male)

    secondly, even if you are against polygamy, (such as in practice)?
    marrage is suposedly to be a contract, stating a comittemnt between conscenting adults.
    isn't that enough of definition of what we're dealing with?

    thirdly, leagalizing the marrage alone, doesn't mean it will happen, you need a vehicle to suport the marrage to occur.
    either it is within your 'Church' of choice, or it is just a court backed contract, like any other, like buying a car, ort a home?
    May 24th, 2012 at 06:21pm
  • I'd start with 2 points here, first, christ said that you arew to love thy neighbour, and love is what christianity is al about.
    what part of the bible are these 'iondividuals' refering to? considering that only the new testament is truely christianity, the rest is what came before, from the jews, isn't it. add to this, christ did not write the bible, others did, old men, with interest in power, most likely?

    secondly, 'the institution of marrage' would be a leagal contrct' (possibly wit the seal of god added?)

    best for the children, indeed, only there are several samples, aside from what I red here.
    if they were part of the argument of no?
    what of the child(children) live with only one parent, or even in a foster home of some kind?
    May 24th, 2012 at 06:16pm
  • I'm for same sex marriage because, in america it's freedom of religion.
    People say its wrong in the bible.
    That's the whole point!
    Gays don't have to believe in the bible, do they?
    But no one thinks of that, they think of what they 'think' is right.
    And most are hypocritical anyways! Most have sex before marriage and other things like that.
    But being gay is 'wrong', well so is most of the things they do.
    May 24th, 2012 at 03:53pm
  • I would just like to say that not all Christians think like that. I for one am a Christian and i had many friends that were either homosexual or bisexual and i have no problem with that if you love someone you love someone you can't help that. Besides I've had many people ask if i was bisexual just cause i can appreciate a pretty female when i see one. Oh and Christianity is many different things in one there's many types just saying.
    May 24th, 2012 at 02:50am
  • I love your article and i agree fully with what you said. I, myself, are not against people of the same sex being together. I just wish other people could be as understanding. They fear the unknown and un-natural. I hope that one day, same-sex marriages wont be looked down upon.
    May 24th, 2012 at 02:41am
  • i really liked what you did here. it was a little hard to understand in some parts, but i get it.

    for the people that quote the bible, where is the separation of church and state in the government? it is in the Constitution.

    for the people who think it is best for the children. what if the man is abusive? is it still better then having two moms who love and care for the child when the father did not want to?

    for the people who think the constitute of marriage would be ruined. it is already ruined. let me tell you how.


    people are taking marriage for granted by getting married on the spot, then divorcing some months or years later. the constitute of marriage is already ruined beyond repair. so stop hiding behind that lame excuse.

    and going back to the bible, king Solomon (or someone) had 200 something wives. so your bible theory is a no-go right there.

    just saying. i love this article. well done.
    May 21st, 2012 at 11:11pm