Pro-Choice: The Unpopular Opinion

Today it's everywhere. One of the leading controversies in the United States: Abortion. Are you pro-life or pro-choice? Either viewpoint you have, you will be met with a counter-argument from the other side. In a debate over what exactly is considered life, everything is seen critically. Afterall, the future generations of this country could be at stake.

Despite living in the 21st century with many different political and social rights being granted and fought for on a daily basis, one right has yet to be granted: The right to having an abortion. Many questions arise from this debate. One out of three women is estimated to be victims of sexual abuse in their lifetime. That is almost 33% of women in the United States. Is it fair to force a female to carry a child conceived from a rapist for almost a year? A woman who is faced with the responsibility to carry a child for nine month period will also be exposed to flashbacks of the sexual abuse. It shouldn't be a question as to if it is fair or not to make the woman relive the incident over and over, not to mention the stress and continued guilt and shame a child conceived from a sexual assault could bring.
Another strong issue is whether or not teenagers should be allowed to receive for abortion. Teenage girls are still not fully developed for childbirth, and their changes of dying while in labor are increased compared to a woman in her twenties. The survival rate of a baby is low as well, and it would be easy to see why a teenage girl would possibly consider having an abortion if she does not choose to carry out the pregnancy. Once again, we also turn to look at whether or not this was a case of rape. If this was a case of rape, and if abortions were now illegal, would it be fair to have a young woman give up her goals in life to care for a child she wasn’t even preparing to have?
Abortions are not as dangerous as one used to perceive them to be. As a matter of fact, abortion has become a safe method to use in the medical field. Putting a ban on abortion would not stop women from getting them; woman would turn instead to illegal abortion clinics that would use illegal methods at giving an abortion would lead to a lot more dangerous methods to the woman. It would be unethical to expose these women to the risks of illegal abortion clinics. If women are given the choice and the health benefits are available, then they would choose to go to an abortion clinic that is safe and legal.
Abortion shouldn’t be about placing a value on a life that has not yet been into existent outside of the womb. It should be about preserving the life and wellbeing of the women who are already here. Women should still be given choices for their futures and should not be expected to carry out a pregnancy. Parenting is a tough job and not everyone is cut out to be a parent. It shouldn't be a decision made by a group of people who are insisting that life be preserved over free will. A decision should be given instead to those women who would be directly affected by the pregnancy.


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