Respect for the Law - Comments

  • FrankJScott

    FrankJScott (100)

    United Kingdom
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  • kuriheartsyou

    kuriheartsyou (300)

    United States
    @ whomping willow.
    No shit you're not my child - I would slap the shit out of you for your sheer ignorance. You're 13. You don't know ANYTHING about the world yet. You want facts? You want examples? For corrupt police, how about during the Wall Street occupation, where the police rounded up a group of 5 or 6 women and sprayed them with an entire can of pepper spray AFTER they had been trapped behind a plastic mesh barrier so they couldn't, "Cease and desist." Or the peaceful protesters on college campuses when police ordered 20 students to get down on their knees, then walked back and forth with pepper spray?

    For corrupt politicians? Look at their 6-7 digit salaries. Look at their obscenely enormous multiple homes and cars while their citizens suffer in poverty and our national debt is raised to almost $17,000,000,000,000. Instead of putting the money towards government workers and schools, they pocket it. Or how about the NDAA? Where we can be forcibly held in jail for an indefinite amount of time without right to a trial by jury, without being read our Miranda rights, without even knowing WHY we're in jail, and without bail? A direct violation to our Bill of Rights.

    Our broken judicial system? I've seen innocent men and women get thrown into jail and prison dozens of times because of lack of evidence and a desperate prosecution team that falsified evidence or even went so far as to completely fabricate it, but people who were SO obviously guilty were let go because they said that the cop that arrested them was racist. Or some stupid thing like a fingerprint was smudged and therefore the evidence was improper.

    It isn't the JOB of the READER to take context clues you self-righteous brat, OR to go out of their way to go look at your profile to see where you live. YES that is going out of the reader's way. It is the JOB of the AUTHOR to make sure that everything is self-evident and doesn't NEED explanation or FURTHER. That's what writing IS. If YOU as the AUTHOR cannot display clearly to the reader that you are speaking about AMERICAN laws specifically, then you have FAILED as a writer.
    February 8th, 2013 at 02:31am
  • jewelia.

    jewelia. (2225)

    United States
    @ kuriheartsyou
    I also find it funny how you think using "honey" makes you look mature. I'm not your child, I'm another member of the website that acts a little more mature than you, so that's really unnecessary.
    You kind of don't care? ...Exactly. You don't, which is why you won't properly respond to that.
    You obviously don't know how to use your context clues. All these laws pertain to America and I don't believe there's any other country with the exact same laws as the U.S. And I'm not "demanding" anything. I'm simply stating that if you truly wanted to know, I don't think clicking one button is "going out of your way."
    "There's a difference between kind encouragement and filtering, honey. Look up the definition."
    As a story editor, I'm quite sure that if an administrator of the website - who filters articles every day - is encouraging me to post it, it qualifies as filtering. That was one of her many jobs.
    Your first hand knowledge is strictly opinion, from what you've told me so far, so until you can support yourself with some actual facts once in a while, you're really the lazy one.
    February 8th, 2013 at 01:26am
  • jewelia.

    jewelia. (2225)

    United States
    @ kuriheartsyou
    I also find it funny how you think using "honey" makes you look mature. I'm not your child, I'm another member of the website that acts a little more mature than you, so that's really unnecessary.
    You kind of don't care? ...Exactly. You don't, which is why you won't properly respond to that.
    You obviously don't know how to use your context clues. All these laws pertain to America and I don't believe there's any other country with the exact same laws as the U.S. And I'm not "demanding" anything. I'm simply stating that if you truly wanted to know, I don't think clicking one button is "going out of your way."
    "There's a difference between kind encouragement and filtering, honey. Look up the definition."
    As a story editor, I'm quite sure that if an administrator of the website - who filters articles every day - is encouraging me to post it, it qualifies as filtering. That was one of her many jobs.
    Your first hand knowledge is strictly opinion, from what you've told me so far, so until you can support yourself with some actual facts once in a while, you're really the lazy one.
    February 8th, 2013 at 01:26am
  • kuriheartsyou

    kuriheartsyou (300)

    United States
    @ whomping willow.
    There's a difference between kind encouragement and filtering, honey. Look up the definition.
    Dismiss it. I kind of don't care.
    Uh, and since when do Americans ONLY write about America? There are thousands of Americans who write about international politics every single day. And the only reason we could KNOW that you were even American was by directly going to your profile. To demand that we go out of our way to know where you are from, or to assume that you're an American, is not only selfish but a trait of a poor writer.
    Again, by not making edits so that it's up to par with Mibba's articles, and then saying that it's because it was never meant for Mibba, is another poor trait. It implies that you're lazy.
    Three of my immediate family members are involved with the government and our judicial system every day, as well as myself. I have no personal vendetta against the government, so my "Opinion," isn't that of some butthurt child. It's first hand knowledge.
    February 7th, 2013 at 05:24am
  • jewelia.

    jewelia. (2225)

    United States
    @ kuriheartsyou
    Your comment amuses me. (For the record, an administrator of the website was the one who encouraged me to post it. I didn't ask, she is the one who brought it up. The filtering was already done, thanks.)
    First of all, maybe you need to provide me with an example. How was I "jumping all over the place with no direction?" I'm not being defensive, but you have nothing to even support that statement, so I'm going to dismiss that.
    The lead says that it's written for my English class. Again, I made no edits because of grammar purposes. You can also infer that I'm talking about the American legal system because I live in the United States (as it says on my profile). It's really not that hard to figure out.
    Well, if there were some facts in there, I might take it into consideration that there is some truth. But, to me, it sounds like you're upset with the government and you're going to act like your opinion is fact. There it is: your opinion, clear and this is what I should've done because of your thoughts. That makes no sense and I'm not going to go merely by what you "think" of the government.
    February 7th, 2013 at 12:03am
  • kuriheartsyou

    kuriheartsyou (300)

    United States
    -sigh- Sometimes I wish Mibba actually filtered articles instead of just letting some of this post.
    First, you need to do research, provide examples, and /make a point/. You were jumping all over the place with no direction.
    Second, you should have mentioned that you were talking about American laws only. Mibba is an international website.
    Third, and most important, you don't seem to understand exactly what government laws entail. The judicial system is broken, our police officers are mad with power, our senators make laws so that they make as much money as they can, Obama signed a federal law stating that we can be held against our will for an indefinite time without trial by jury, and so on.The law doesn't deserve the respect like you think it does.
    February 6th, 2013 at 06:48am
  • folie a dru.

    folie a dru. (1270)

    United States
    @ whomping willow.
    I didn't break the law though. Some person accused me of a crime I did not commit. Not my fault.

    The cops in my state told the cops in the other state that there was no evidence against me (after serving a search warrant) so what did the other state do? Extradited me anyway.

    Sorry, but I don't fucking deal with the bullshit of the criminal justice system anymore after they violated my rights and repeatedly lied to me. I have no respect for laws that allow police officers to treat me (an innocent person) like that.

    Did you know you can now be strip-searched upon arrest, even if it's a false arrest?
    November 17th, 2012 at 01:02am
  • jewelia.

    jewelia. (2225)

    United States
    @ dru will wait.
    Just because you had an uneasy confrontation with the law doesn't mean that you shouldn't have respect for it. If I was caught smoking under the age of 18, I wouldn't lose respect for that law just because I broke it. The government wouldn't do those particular things to you for no reason - there was a sole purpose in their eyes.
    November 17th, 2012 at 12:39am
  • folie a dru.

    folie a dru. (1270)

    United States
    I used to have respect for the law, until the law didn't have respect for me. False charges, six weeks in jail for something I didn't do, losing my job, losing my health insurance, and being forced to stay in another state against my will for six months are not things that lead to me respecting the law, or at least the law enforcement agency.

    I acknowledge laws are there for a purpose and then I realize that it's all just a game and the laws aren't there to make our lives better necessarily, but to make things easier for law enforcement. I'm not doing that again.
    November 16th, 2012 at 09:19pm
  • recounts

    recounts (300)

    Maybe you should edit it and change it to be at least a little intended for Mibba if you're going to post it on Mibba. *shrug*
    October 23rd, 2012 at 03:47am
  • jewelia.

    jewelia. (2225)

    United States
    @ outlier
    This is an essay that I wrote for my English class. I made no edits to it except for grammar purposes - this wasn't intended for Mibba.
    October 23rd, 2012 at 01:28am
  • recounts

    recounts (300)

    You should really specify early on in your article that you're discussing the American legal system, rather than allowing the reader to assume.
    October 23rd, 2012 at 12:53am
  • fhshfiuxcf

    fhshfiuxcf (100)


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