Doomsday Approaches?

Doomsday Approaches? The 1998 doomsday clock shows the time to be ten minutes away from midnight. However, a mere decade later, Professor Steven Hawking shocked the world as he appeared at a presentation with the doomsday clock appearing only five minutes away from a second nuclear Armageddon.

Hawking fears climate change is our biggest threat warning. "We foresee great perils if governments and society do not take action now to render nuclear weapons obsolete and prevent further climate change".

Since 1947 the hand on the clock has been altered as much as 18 times in total. Scientists warned about the horrors of living in a nuclear age, quoting people were trying to survive in the "most perilous period" since the nuclear explosions of Nagasaki and Hiroshima.

As the hands have moved forward a whole five minutes in a mere decade scientists fear if nothing is done to halt the process we may not have to wait a full decade to witness the dawn of this second age. But experts are worried the governments will not take notice in time to slow the clock down.

Even if this could be halted, according to the statistics, today's generation would be certain to face the effects from the industrial revolution and beyond.

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