Breakthrough: ColaPhone Is Born

Breakthrough: ColaPhone Is Born Since 1886, when it first emerged and appeared on the shelves, a carbonated soft drink named Coca Cola has been taking over the world; proving its dominance. Until now, you’d pour it down your throat, feeling soda bubbles tickling your tongue and palate.

But now, the drink is about to gain another purpose – to replace an empty battery of your phone. Daizi Zheng, Chinese designer, has created a special kind of Nokia phone that requires a sugary soft drink in order to work. Meaning, when your mobile phone, aka. Colaphone runs out, you just pour in a can of Cola or any other soft drink. Daizi Zheng designed the phone as her final college project.

“I found that a phone battery as a power source is expensive. It consumes valuable resources on manufacturing, presenting a disposal problem and is harmful to the environment”, she said on her website.

The new kind of battery would use “enzymes as the catalyst to generate electricity from carbohydrates,” she added.

All you’d have to do is unscrew the top of your phone and pour in a certain drink. What surprised her professors is duration of the battery on a single charge – four times longer than using a lithium ion one.

“This phone battery could be fully biodegradable. It brings a whole new perception to batteries and afternoon tea”, Zheng said.

As the technology progresses, the designer hopes to see her design on the shelves within 5 years. One more thing; if you’re going somewhere for a week or two and you realize that your charger is sitting somewhere at home, you don’t have to panic – Cola or any other sugary soft drink can be bought – anywhere.

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