The Cruelty of Animal Testing - Comments

  • Floral Tiara

    Floral Tiara (100)

    I do agree with this! I do understand how other commenters are saying that we wouldn't have things like insulin. What I think the major problem animals being tested on for things that are honestly unnecessary. The most common thing is make up. After reading this article, I did check to see if all my own make up was PETA approved.(which it was)
    Now, people say they can't live without make up, but it really isn't needed for surviving, for humans or animals, and if it can be tested humanely, it should be! There's no need for causing animals to suffer needlessly.
    August 28th, 2010 at 08:23pm
  • AnonymousK

    AnonymousK (100)

    United States
    Animal testing is wrong, I agree with you. I think it's great, you're writing a topic that isn't discusded very much, and I also think it's great that you're trying to put an end to it. Not many people speak about it, I know for a fact that I am one because I didn't realize how much really was going on. It's really well written, too! :) Keep up the work, and I hope there is any more testing on animals.
    August 27th, 2010 at 11:39pm
  • Night's Vision

    Night's Vision (100)

    animal testing is a delicate subject. I think that it's not a great thing, but a lot more people would be dead if we didn't do it. I have had many arguments about the topic. I think that animal testing, if done badly can hurt the creatures. The medicines are supposed to be healthy, so the tests shouldn't be done until the doctors are feeling confident that it works. And before that, they could use dead animals, like if they need a blood sample or something.
    August 27th, 2010 at 06:03pm
  • sarahbear8282

    sarahbear8282 (100)

    United States
    i admit that you have some great points but you have to remember we wouldnt have insulin for diabetic people if scientists hadnt tested on dogs and not everyone mistreats the animals its just no journalist is gonna go somewhere and write an article about how all the animals are happy go lucky you have to take your information with a grain of salt because the news isnt happy but the world is.
    August 27th, 2010 at 10:01am
  • tundragoddess

    tundragoddess (100)

    United States
    I agree with Johnny C., it is only in rare cases that animals are abused. And the media does have a tendency to blow it out of proportion. Which there are more laws dictating how to treat animals then there are for humans. Including laws that dictate what air temperature certain animals are to be kept at. I think you need to be alittle unbaised and look at both sides of the equation.
    August 27th, 2010 at 01:39am
  • Skela_chibi

    Skela_chibi (100)

    Puerto Rico
    I totally agree but i dint know that l`oreal (i think i spell it right) but hey i totally agree with you ^_^
    August 26th, 2010 at 10:59pm
  • Loor

    Loor (100)

    I do agree that there is no need for make up brands to use animals to test their products on. Make up can be tested perfectly fine without using animals.
    I can, however, not agree with your statements about the use of animals in science.
    First of all, animal testing is not useless. You mention the fact that animals do not have the same DNA as humans. That's only partially true. Some genes have been preserved since the start of evolution. Plus, animal testing often has nothing to do with genetics. It looks at the way organs are build or work. For example, a pig's heart is quite similar to a humans and therefore useful to study the human heart. A lot of organs systems in rodents work quite similar to those in humans. You talk about cloned organs. Although that is a good future alternative, this technique is not advanced enough yet to quit testing on animals entirely.
    Secondly, you say that universities almost force their students to test on animals. Another statement that is not true. I studied in Belgium and I took a course on animal testing. I did work with animals during that course. However, we were clearly given a choice about whether we wanted to take the purely theoretical course or do some practical work as well. Same in the Netherlands, where I did an eight month internship. During the first interview with my promotor I clearly got asked about my thoughts about animal testing and whether I would mind doing it. Nobody forced me to do anything.
    Lastly, I would like to point out that I too do not want animals to suffer. No scientist wants that. I don't know if you have any idea what you have to go through to even just get the admission to start animal tests, but I can assure you that it is not something that is taken lightly. Sometimes I feel like people think that scientists get out of bed in the morning and think 'hmm, lets order some animals today to do some tests on them.' I'm not saying you are one of those people, but I have seen and heard demonstarations against animal testing and these people tend to exagerate, especially when talking about numbers. I don't know what kind of experiments you are talking about, but we do not operate on animals without aneasthesia. Animals are taken care of very well, get plently of food, water and toys.
    In summary, us scientists do not want animals to suffer if we have another option. But sometimes you just got to take the good with the bad.
    August 26th, 2010 at 08:31pm
  • julialynn!

    julialynn! (100)

    United States
    I really enjoyed this article. Being a girl, we use such a basic accessory, which is of course make up. But it isn't just us, it's also used for costume art for a holiday such as Halloween, and theaters use make up all the time, even on men, to make them look younger, older, etc.

    And with the pills, let's face it. Everyone uses pills, even as a daily thing. And to think that a beautiful living horse, or a guinea pig probably died from it for my personal advantage is just plain horrible.

    My dad used to work in a farm when he grew up and he had plenty of horses that were probably his closest friends. And now, we have four guinea pigs living in our house. I love them to death! Thought they are quite noisy, they are so adorable and to picture them squealing in pain, hurts me personally.

    Spend money. It's why our economy in the United States in bad right now, better but still bad. We aren't spending money. If we hold it all in, no one is getting income therefore no improvements.

    Using better techniques at a one time cost is a bargain.

    I really like your article, thank you for opening my eyes a bit. :)
    August 26th, 2010 at 08:13pm
  • morning fog

    morning fog (100)

    ANIMAL TESTING IS SO WRONG!! Many people would agree to be tested on for the money, animals don't agree to it. They have no choice!
    It actually hasn't occurred to me that I use makeup and hair products that have been tested on animals. I'm totally going to be picky from now on about what I buy. If it's been tested on animals, I'll spend the extra buck for something better and safer C:
    August 26th, 2010 at 05:51pm
  • tom sykes;

    tom sykes; (100)

    United States
    I completely agree with this. Testing on animals is wrong, there are plenty of alternatives that could be used. I wrote my research paper on cosmetic and chemical last year, and some of the things that I learned were very disturbing.

    I try very hard to not use products that were tested on animals, sometimes it hard to find a good brand though.
    August 26th, 2010 at 04:46am
  • vaporwave

    vaporwave (160)

    It's not as bad as PETA makes it sound.

    I'd rather kill animals than have millions of PEOPLE dying of cancer, AIDS and other deadly diseases. Besides, it's not like these animals are whipped and beaten in cages. That's only rare cases, but they're blown out of proportion to make it seem like this happens all the time. Thank you propaganda.

    I believe that testing on animals for things not related to medicine is wrong, though.

    Also, your grammar isn't the best in this article. I'm guessing you're from Holland, so I understand how using English is difficult (hell, I had to go through that after moving from Europe) but you should have gotten someone to edit and proof read this.
    August 26th, 2010 at 04:08am