"Helter Skelter" in the 21st Century

"Helter Skelter" in the 21st Century It was in the late 1960's that the infamous Manson 'Family' Murders had slain their victims, and the criminals had been put away in prison. So it comes as a surprise that nearly four decades later, there could be evidence of other victims not yet accounted for.

Manson, 72, is currently serving life sentences for a murderous rampage in Los Angeles County, in 1969. He is most known for being the leader of a cult and murdering multiple victims, including the late actress Sharon Tate.

"After the murder, my mom became a shell of herself," said Debra Tate, who was 17 when her sister, Sharon, was killed. "I filled in at home, as best I could."

Debra's mother, Doris Tate, awakened from years of depression when she heard that a Manson family member was seeking parole.

She gathered 350,000 signatures, to help keep the murderer in prison. She also managed to successfully change state law to ensure the rights of victims' family members to make statements during sentencing and parole hearings.

After Doris Tate's death in 1992, Debra was determined to fulfill her mothers wishes of making sure Manson gets the punishment of the fullest extent of the law and that justice prevailed.

Today, it comes as no surprise that the Tate's would jump at the idea of getting their hands on further evidence of the Manson Murders. Forensic scientists scour the area of Death Valley in hope of finding a breakthrough.

However, even with technology and a trained search dog, there isn't much hope that a discovery will be made in the vast, dry area even though there have been bodies found up to eight years after the killings. There are intricate details that must be highly studied in order to properly begin a digging. Dirt samples of the area have been taken for further study in a lab.

When and if a body is found, more research must be done to connect it with the Manson Murders. It is only then that a new prosecution can be made.

"You have to tie them to someone who has disappeared, and there were a lot of people floating in and out of the family environment who were runaways, or hiding out," said Patrick Sequeira, the Los Angeles County deputy district attorney who has been in charge of the Manson family parole hearings since Kay's retirement.

There are many factors in putting it all together, but one thing is certain. Many would be very interested in watching it all unfold.

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