Our Greatest Gaming Consoles Contain Hazardous Materials

Our Greatest Gaming Consoles Contain Hazardous Materials In their 'Playing Dirty' report, Greenpeace found that three home gaming systems have hazardous chemicals in them.The three systems, Xbox 360, Playstation 3, and Wii have harmful chemicals in them that can really harm humans. The chemicals, including polyvinyl chloride (PVC), beryllium, bromine, and phthalate, have been linked to many disabilities.

Long term exposure to bromine can lead to memory and learning disabilities. The phtalate DEHP interferes with sexual development in mammals, especially male humans.

Chemicals like those aren't allowed to be in toys or childcare products in the EU market. If it's in there, the toys or childcare products can't be sold on the market. Since game consoles aren't considered as toys, they're allowed to be sold on the market, even with the high, hazardous chemicals they contain.

Greenpeace said that three manufacturers have "avoided or reduced uses of individual hazardous substances in certain materials within their consoles." Wii doesn't have any beryllium in its electrical contacts. The Xbox 360 is very low in bromine in its housing materials and the Playstation 3 circuit boards are free of any bromine.

Don't ever throw your Xbox 360 in the trash. It's really bad for the environment. When they are dumped into recycling yards, the toxic contents seep out and in the process, they harm the environment and they harm the health of the people who work there.

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