Legendary Quarterback Favre to Part Ways with Packers - Comments

  • FrankJScott

    FrankJScott (100)

    United Kingdom
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  • allie_023

    allie_023 (100)

    United States
    all i have to say is football whore and yes i can say that i do live in WI
    August 27th, 2008 at 12:25am
  • Emmy-Bear

    Emmy-Bear (100)

    United States
    This is getting way out of hand. Brett is an amazing athelete but I believe that the Packers should just let him go to the Minnesota. I think it's bull that they would pay him to retire, obiously Brett doesn't want to retire, so if they think he's a distraction for the team then jus let him go where he pleases. I believe he will do exceptionally well anywhere. They just need to get this done and over with like yesterday.
    August 6th, 2008 at 09:34am
  • Promises?

    Promises? (100)

    United States
    It's way too overly publicized. It gets so annoying, I mean, just retire already and make up your mind! He is totally an attention whore.
    August 6th, 2008 at 06:20am
  • Edward Cullen14

    Edward Cullen14 (100)

    United States
    No, what some of you under me, need to understand is, its called planning.

    Do you really think, a famous all star QB like Favre was really going to retire, when hes in is prime?

    Noooo. He planned it, you can tell. After a great season, sadly coming to an end with a lose, he wanted change. And he knew he couldnt leave.

    If you really watch and keep up with sports, you would realize, that someone like him, his contract isnt easy to come by. And no one expected this.

    So, he contract, says he has a binding deal with the Packers. And he cant leave, intill its over with. He didnt want to go, and after a great season, ending in loss, on the off season ask to be traded, when he knew, they would say no before he finished getting the words out of his mouth.

    So, the retirement, wasnt really offical. I mean think, you dont retire when your at your best!

    He planned it, hoping that the packers, would be cooperative when he came back, and realeased him, and let him go to another team. Because he knew once, he came back, or even if he had stayed, he would be a backup.

    Which is unacceptable. Hes to good, to be sitting on a bench, when there trying to build up for some rookie, who they thinks have potenial. I mean yes, he probably does, but still, you dont put him, before your best player.

    And Favre knew, that with other teams, he can do great. But, the packers as you can see, dont wont to let him go. Think about it, there idiots. You dont want to start him, and want to use him every now and then, but you dont want to realease him, when it seems like you might as well with the way your treating him.

    And that 20 million. Was a joke, they know if they let him go, they will have to play him, and they know, it wont go good for them and there wanna be superstar.

    I mean, he may turn into one a few years from now, and intill then, haha, its Favres time.

    And hes not saying hes on and off with retirement, he would rather retire, with the way they are treating him.

    But things have gotten way to big for them to keep him held down. Alot of Favre fans know, they love him. But, they know he should do whats best for him, and if that means going to another team that means going to another team. Hes a great QB and I completely understand his situation.

    I could sit here, and try to get it through to some of you kids, who dont really understand, because you've never been in a situation even close.

    When you play sports, and your great, things like this happen, but I guess you people who dont play sports, or are great at them, would understand what its like.

    Im done, I could go on, I have more reasons of why things are like this. But seriously, you people who are tired of hearing his name in something, dont hate the player, hate the game.

    Cause if you know, no you dont know. If you were in his place, and you were talked about as one of the greats, you wouldnt mind. But him trying to get to another team, and if them not allowing to, he will retire, it seems none of you will ever understand, because you play the game you love. When your playing, or barely playing and not enjoying the game, then whats the point? There is no point? I know personally from sports, if I dont like the sport, or if im not enjoying it, I wont want to play. I mean yes theres money involved. But, theres always other ways to make money. (Other sports, making shoes, etc.)

    So before you go saying your tired of hearing about it, think as if you were in his shoes. You'd want it to end. So if you should be mad at anyone, it would be the idiots who wont realease him from the team and allow him to go to another.

    Thank you, you want to talk more? I got more. Comment me, and I will explain better. But my argument pretty much sticks up for itself.
    August 6th, 2008 at 06:10am
  • animrod

    animrod (100)

    United States
    I live in Green Bay, and the [i]drama[/i] over this is the only thing anyone talks about.
    It's terrible.
    I hear so many different stories week to week about what he's doing.
    This is frustrating. ._____.
    August 6th, 2008 at 04:33am
  • A-p-L-a-I-r-C-t-E-y

    A-p-L-a-I-r-C-t-E-y (100)

    United States
    I grew up watching Brett Favre and really respect him, but they've let it get out of control. Favre should make up his mind on whether he's going to retire or not, instead of having this huge ordeal.
    August 6th, 2008 at 03:42am
  • The Shaper

    The Shaper (150)

    United States
    Personally, I'm a huge fan of both the Packers and Favre. I agree, this whole situation is fairly annoying, but I still have respect for the record holding QB. If he wanted to continue playing, he shouldn't have announced his retirement and forced the Packers between and rock and a hard place. Favre played a great season last year, and I believe he could repeat it... if he stayed with his team. Regardless, Rodgers is a great player and I look forward to seeing him start this year.
    August 6th, 2008 at 03:18am
  • LiL_McR_FaN

    LiL_McR_FaN (100)

    United Kingdom
    Yeah well So long.!
    August 6th, 2008 at 03:06am
  • Sara_K

    Sara_K (100)

    United States
    Brett Farve should just retire. I am so sick of hearing about him every single year, saying he's going to quit, and then he doesn't, then he says he is, then he doesn't. It's bull. And about this whole paying him to retire, is also bull. You pay them to PLAY, not to RETIRE. I don't know if he's doing it for attention, or if he's doing it for the money, but he's really getting on my last nerve and should just retire already.
    August 6th, 2008 at 02:07am