The Miracle of Swindon Town - Comments

  • egaqu

    egaqu (100)

    United States
    I admire your courage to chronicle Manager Mode. You seem to have extreme difficulty scoring, even against terrible teams. However, your defense has been spectacular, shutting out Liverpool and Newcastle! FIFA players who possesses defensive skills that are far superior to offensive ones in that game are nonexistent, unless they suck really really badly and play on semi-pro at best difficulty, and from your post you seem to be one of them. My suggestion to you is to just simulate games instead of playing them out, and then update posts with the simulation results instead. This would be a lot better for everyone because not only would the results be more realistic, but also you'd forgo the eternal struggle of continuously failing against a simple AI, which sounds pretty miserable. Good luck to your poopers! Very Happy
    May 25th, 2012 at 05:09am