The Future Evolution Of Mankind, Will You Experience It?

The Future Evolution Of Mankind, Will You Experience It? New Mexico, 2003. Two students were out in a desert area. All of a sudden, they came upon a glowing, shining object. As they approached the object, it had incredible weight .

They examined it and they were overcome by strange, bright, sharp images of a mountain, and a cave with what seemed of infinite amount of tunnels and turns.

An alien feeling coursed throughout their bodies, in fear, they dropped the mysterious object, but did not abandon it.

They had taken it back to their campus, foolishly giving it to their science professor in hopes of identifying it. He too had become scared of the object and the alien forces it held. A government agent had found him.

They had cornered the professor and scared him into signing a contract to not disclose any information about the object. If he said a word, it would be treason and he would be killed instantly.

The government had gotten together disciplines, psychics, and remote viewers to dissect the odd mass. It took time, but they had determined it was an alien homing beacon. This homing beacon was indescribable, they were only able to find out by the psychics who picked up on it.

The inscriptions on the beacon were unknown to anyone. So they had decided to take it back from whence it came for more answers. Upon arrival, they had flashes of images of places to go. A map if you will of the same caves and tunnels the two boys had seen. They were getting very close to their destination, when the beacon had basically seen that they weren't ready to see the wonders of what was hidden. They were not evolved enough. It self destructed.

Upon self-destruction, many of the people involved were killed. but the psychics were not giving up. Thanks to their ability, they knew where to go. They were astounded by what they saw. Rooms carved out of rock, artifacts that sent chills down their spines. The only room they could not access was the 24th room, for some unknown reason. Later they determined that another room was in the caves, beneath stone rubble.

The most extraordinary artifact was they so-called crystal. It hasn't been disclosed as to what it does, but it was found under a rock-slide in the 24th room. Since there was only 23 major rooms to begin with, the 24 would've been unnoticed if they didn't pick up on this crystal.

For this to tie into evolution of mankind, there are 23 sets of chromosomes in our bodies. The 24th room represents our 24th set of chromosomes. By obtaining this new set of chromosomes, we will evolve into a whole new mankind. Our lifespans will increase drastically, and our minds will have all power.

Now, this is for future use because there are 5 people who have sole demands to dictate the earth. Their plans consist of wiping out 2/3rds of the population, to make it easier to control and we will become basically slaves. They want to control our minds, bodies, and powers we have ignorantly ignored. Obtaining this 24th chromosome will result in defeat of these people as we will evolve into a new superior race. When will this all take place? There is no set date, but by the year 2050, we might achieve this power.

My last question for you to ponder is.....Will you be alive to witness it?

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