Bombing In Lebanon

Bombing In Lebanon On Lebanon a bomb was placed in a briefcase beside a bus full of people. At 7:45 am the bomb was set off killing eighteen people and injuring over forty more. The bombing attack was the deadliest attack in Lebanon in three years.

The bus was in a busy commercial center in the city of Tripoli. "When we heard the blast, we wanted to run", said Izzat Dogbi the owner of a juice stand about one-hundred meters from where the bombing took place, "I walked over and found a disaster. Bodies on the ground, some mangled, others wounded. It was awful".

This all has taken place during a period of relative political calm in Lebanon. The political leaders of Lebanon are currently working to build new ties with neighboring countries that in the past haven't gotten along well with them. Despite this someone obviously still has it in for the country of Lebanon, more particularly the Lebanon military.

The bombing attack seemed to be intended for the Lebanon military. The bus was mainly filled with Lebanon soldiers and of the eighteen who died nine were of the Lebanon military. Nobody has claimed responsibility for the bombing attack as of now.

However, speculation suggests that the attack may have been a plot by the Fatah Islam, a radical Islams group. It has also been suggested that the attack might have been revenge for Lebanon's military involvement in a confrontation at Nahr al Bared a Palestinian refugee camp. A battle took place at the camp between the Lebanon military and the Fatah Islam, the bombing could have been retaliation against the Lebanon military for their role in that battle.

The Fatah Islam has already taken credit for several previous bombing in Lebanon. However they haven't yet taken credit for this particular one. The investigation into the incident is on-going.

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