The Truth Behind The IRS

The Truth Behind The IRS Most people in the United States of America know who the IRS are. The Internal Revenue Service tax Americas earnings in their work places. People have always disliked taxes for the obvious reasons, but in recent years people began asking questions about the IRS. The biggest question being, what gives them the power to actually tax Americans for anything? Well there is apparently no easy answer for that question, but in this article I will unravel a few facts the IRS has tried to hide for decades.

The IRS is a ruthless organization. If you avoid their taxes they can take you to court and, with their piratically infinite resources they can take your home, yours cars your everything out from under you. The IRS has ruined marriages, bankrupted businesses and ruined many people's lives. So if they do this all illegally, how awful would that be?

It was for a long time believed that the 16th amendment in American society gave the IRS the power to tax Americas. This however is completely false. Any person who can read the amendment can tell it doesn't really give much to back this concept, and yet it has been generally accepted in the US.

In recent years independent research conducted mainly by people who were taxed by the IRS and could actually afford to pay to investigate into it. What these independent investigations revealed was astounding. The IRS uses the Subtitle C Employment Tax Law system to find people who's earnings they can tax.

The IRS has no legal grounds to even use the government based Subtitle C Employment system data-bank. It is not known how they originally tapped into the system, but today, with their billions of dollars, there is no telling them they can't use it. So by using this government system illegally the IRS created the Subtitle A Income Tax 'law'. They use their fabricated law to demand the tax money of the American people.

The absolutely shocking thing is, if you sign up for your job not using your Social Security number they can't tax you. In America you can also sign up for a job with just a statement of American citizenship. Often times it can be more of a hassle but it seems to be worth it.

Since the IRS uses the Social Security system to find people to tax if you aren't in the system and didn't use your Social Security number to sign up for your job they won't ever try to tax you. Yes it's true, you will never receive a single tax letter in the mail.

Unfortunately, once you do sign up for a job with a Social Security number, you're screwed. There is a relatively simple solution though. Quit and get a new job but sign up with a statement of American citizenship instead of the Social Security number. This deletes the IRS 'fake' legal grounds.

One of the unfortunate realities of the IRS's scam is that, they assume anyone who would be dumb enough to fall into this trap in the first place wouldn't have the legal power to fight their illegal taxes. So they can use their millions to force the America people to hand over more millions. It's a sad and disturbing cycle.

To this day the IRS refuses to finger the laws that say it has the right to take American's money. Instead they either hide or fight back with their huge check-books. Hopefully though as awareness of this massive national scam increases they will begin losing money. Hopefully in the distant future awareness may be able to bankrupt the IRS, but until that day, if you live in the United States of America be careful when you apply for your new job.

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