Prevention Of Illegal Downloaders - Comments

  • Skela_chibi

    Skela_chibi (100)

    Puerto Rico
    well....i download music at i tune but it is not illegal and for me is easy 2 find my other favorite artist or opening them song some kinda random anime and it is cheap plus there some few illegal download like limewire it is a popular web that a lot of ppl download for free!
    August 17th, 2009 at 01:00am
  • TristSaysStfu

    TristSaysStfu (100)

    United States
    I'm kind of mixed on this topic.
    To the people that say that don't want to buy a whole CD - Amazon has music downloads (less then a dollar), and you can buy by the song or the CD. All you have to do is set up an account, lay down a buck, and you have the song. Easy as pie. And they have underground music. If an artist has an EP or CD, it's on there, 98% of the time. And sometimes if they don't, have either, the songs might be there. I listen to alot of Indie artist, and I've only failed to find the song a few times. In a way, it's insulting to the artist. What people don't realize is that most bands aren't rolling in cash - music is their job, and they need the money from it. It's like saying that you don't like the music enough to pay the artist, and support them. (This is what a guy from a band I know said - he should know what he's talking about). Mow a lawn or two, and you've got a new collection!
    On the other hand, I've talked to alot of starting bands that love people downloading their music, and are thrilled that people are actually seeking to listen to it. They want to spread their music however possible, and downloading is a great way for this to happen.
    So I can't really have a side, because it really just depends on the band. We should respect their wishes.
    July 11th, 2009 at 03:03am
  • Saccharose

    Saccharose (100)

    United States
    i for one cannot find a certain CD of any artist i like at a store near me
    i can find it online only to be paying 5-10 dollars more just to have it delivered the 'cheapest' way. most of the stuff i listen to is not mainstream, therefore it's not relevant for a store to carry it. which means i go looking elsewhere. i'm not special, no store would stock a bunch of CDs of one artist/band if only a few people would buy it. retail suicide XD
    June 8th, 2009 at 09:54pm
  • oh.wendigo

    oh.wendigo (300)

    United States
    another reason why FYE is losing business is because their prices are outrageous!!!! 15 dollars for a fuckn cd? fuck that. walmart or itunes is the way to go.
    March 8th, 2009 at 10:22pm
  • radical

    radical (100)

    I myself download the music, and if I find that it's good enough that I will buy it, I will.
    I own almost 100 cd's of my hard earned money.
    But you need to remember that I'm just 14, and I can't afford to buy a cd if I only like 3 songs off it.
    March 8th, 2009 at 09:54pm
  • Deny Everything

    Deny Everything (100)

    I'll buy the CD WHEN I can find it, but that's pretty rare. If I can't find the CD, I'll download it just because I want to hear the music and I won't be able to buy the CD anyways. It's no money loss for them. Of course if I can get my hands on it, I'll buy it. I LOVE owning the actual CD, with the art and all that.
    March 8th, 2009 at 07:19pm
  • The Sun

    The Sun (100)

    United Kingdom
    It was a good article and raised an important issue, I have always been against illegal downloading but I still do it – why? Because in my area, you can’t find the CD’s by MCR or other bands, in fact most people here are stuck listening to Abba. Of course, we have the latest bollywood music (I don’t download that because it’s available in stores), but the fact still remains the if I want to listen to some of my favourite western music I have no other option than to either download it or ask one of my relatives in the UK to send me it and spend a fortune on postage which isn’t even given to the band or singer!

    I hardly ever comment on articles but I thought it important to point out that you not only have to take monetary issues into account but also [i] availabilty [/i]
    March 8th, 2009 at 04:41pm
  • Vegemite

    Vegemite (100)

    As valid as your points are, many of these artists have to appeal to certain targets, one of them being the teenage market. Now, i know for a fact, not a lot of teenagers have an income that is dear, and not even half would have a job. Where people choose to spend their money doesn't bother me, but i now that a lot of us choose to be tight with our money because in all honestly, why pay for an album at Sanity for $30, for only 3 or 4 songs that you want, when alternatively you can just download it online? Really, i think paying that much for a CD is crime. (although i have been listening to Henry Rollins a little too much i will admit)

    Money is an important issue that i am making, for adolescents and music companies.

    Another point i would like to make, there are different bands, local, mainstream, or really popular and rich artists, the list goes on. I firmly believe that downloading a song from an Independent band would do greater damage than downloading a song from lets say, Bejonce. They are both coined as 'illegal', but that is law.
    January 22nd, 2009 at 01:37pm
  • Grave_Dancer

    Grave_Dancer (100)

    United States
    Clearly its been stated before, but a lot of kids, especially where I live now, can't afford cds. But bands don't make money JUST from a few songs. They make more money from concerts and merchandise. I am a musician, I love music with all my heart, and I wouldn't want to limit my fan base because most of them can't afford my music. There are good points in your article, no doubt, a few mistakes. But I can't COMPLETELY agree with you.
    November 27th, 2008 at 05:10am
  • ciao bella.

    ciao bella. (150)

    United States
    First off, I think your article is well-organized. But I do have a few issues. I think that before you put up an article next time, you should have an editor read it. Some of your sentences have grammatical errors, and some of them don't make sense.

    Example: "The fact that it is considered stealing is the fact that when you download this program, you must agree to Terms and Conditions stating that you will not steal from the program.” doesn’t make sense because you never previously mentioned a program that has been downloaded, and the beginning part of the sentence doesn’t follow conventional grammatical guidelines.

    “They get hired to make music, if they aren't going to get paid for it, they might stop working as hard, because if they aren't getting money for the lyrics and music they create” is not a complete sentence. The clause at the end is hanging – there is no “then” for your “if”.

    I do agree with you, though. It's gotten out of hand.
    November 27th, 2008 at 04:55am
  • Dreams.of.Someday

    Dreams.of.Someday (900)

    United States
    I agree with you.
    September 2nd, 2008 at 12:44am
  • BringMoreKnives

    BringMoreKnives (100)

    United States
    Im very against downloading
    Ive never done it in my life
    Even if buying the bands CD isnt making them that much money its still showing how much you love them.I think some bands rather have fan love than money.
    August 24th, 2008 at 02:56pm
  • dexter

    dexter (450)

    When ANY band makes LESS money than
    my mom does in a week
    I'll stop downloading. :)
    August 7th, 2008 at 05:31am
  • dreamersrequiem

    dreamersrequiem (150)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I know a lot of people have said it, but bands don't make that much money from CD sales - and a lot of bands have said they'd don't mind it because it means more people are listning to their music. Some people can't afford £10 - £20 on a CD, so they'll download it and then go to the concert - where the bands make their money. And if a band stops making music because of the money...well, they should be in it because of the music, not the money.
    July 7th, 2008 at 01:24am
  • emily.

    emily. (400)

    I've been borrowing CDs from my local library and burning them for at least three years now, and my parents for longer.

    No band or record company has ever put a ban on those CDs; why should they stop downloads? Sure, the library had to buy the CD in the first place, giving the band some profit, but if you think of it that way, then someone had to buy the CD originally to put it online.

    If a band came to me, or even made a public statement saying 'please don't download our music', I'd stop for that band.
    June 22nd, 2008 at 03:12am
  • Ann Willis

    Ann Willis (400)

    United States
    I would like to point out the fact that bands make little to nothing on CD sales. Almost all of the money from those sales goes to the record labels and the band never even sees that money. The place they really make the money from is merchandise and concerts. Have you noticed how none of the bands are really publicly speaking out against downloading? It's just the record companies that are throwing a fit. As if they weren't making a butt load of cash in the first place. As a fan if you truly wish to support your band go see them in concert and buy the t-shirt. They'll thank you more then if you get their CD.
    June 21st, 2008 at 07:33pm
  • and oh it's a shame

    and oh it's a shame (300)

    United States
    We forget that bands are much more then their music nowadays. They are, in themselves, a franchise. They have merchandise; shirts, bags, hats, pins, notebooks, folders, pens, stickers, posters, etc. Many of them also have fan sites that cost something around $30-$40 to join. Many of them do more then make music: Frank Iero, Pete Wentz, and Ollie Sykes all have clothes lines. Patrick Stump is a producer and actor. They all sell out concerts. Believe me, kids downloading doesn't make a dent in the pockets of a band as much as we'd like to think.
    May 25th, 2008 at 11:46pm
  • soccer_addix

    soccer_addix (100)

    United States
    some people don't have the cash to dish out thousands of dollars a year on CDs just for one or two songs that you will listen to more than once
    Anyways if you burn a CD and give it to a friend according to your definition thats illegal
    Bulls**t CD prices are extravagant for a few good songs
    January 2nd, 2008 at 10:38pm
  • thalida.

    thalida. (320)

    United States
    For me, I only download when it's not a band that I love and truly adore....

    If they only have one good song, on a CD with 13 tracks...I'm going to download it.

    [b]But for MCR, AFI, System of a Down, Green Day....hell (can I say hell?) ya I'm going to buy the CD![/b]

    [b]I want all the songs...not those sucky downloads![/b]

    So, I see what you're saying because as a huge fan of AFI, I want they to make money, and I want to say that I [b]OWN[/b] their cd's not that I downloaded them....what type of a fan would that make me?
    December 22nd, 2007 at 08:33am
  • waits.

    waits. (250)

    United States
    As a musician, I totally agree with you.

    Bands work too hard on their music to get stolen from.

    November 26th, 2007 at 04:02am