Muck-Up Day Antics Lead to Mass Suspension - Comments

  • Those boys are idiots.
    March 6th, 2010 at 06:02pm
  • Somehow I giggled at the bit about the witness saying that Xavier boys jumped her car based on their socks.

    Personally Muck Up Day is just a day of celebration, but people have to take into consideration that of the general public too. If the pranks don't cause harm, are for a laugh then so be it, but this? No.

    And I thought the egging was bad here. *eye roll*
    November 2nd, 2008 at 09:41am
  • I'm a year 12 student, and yeah, okay Muck up day is supposed to be 'fun' and you get to trash a few things
    but in my school we have a rule: You trash something, you clean it up, you break something, YOU pay for it
    i think if this rule had been in play here it wouldn't have been HALF as bad, as the students would have known where the limits were.
    but suspending the whole year?
    pretty harsh, im sure they weren't all involved
    October 25th, 2008 at 11:38am
  • I got confused when you were talking about "The end of their high school career" but then I was like "Oh... it's Australia" haha I'm dumb, sorry.

    Anyways, I think it's unfair to suspend ALL the students when I'm sure some of them didn't do anything wrong.
    October 24th, 2008 at 03:48pm
  • I have no idea what a muck-up day is, but those boys sound overly immature. Yeah, you can have fun and pull some pranks, but it sounds like a lot of the stuff they did just crossed the line. I mean, come on, 12th graders? They should grow up a little.
    October 23rd, 2008 at 09:21pm
  • muck up day at my school got banned when one of the boys broke into the gun stores, stole a rifle, dressed up in a gorilla suit and ran into the middle of chapel waving it around and hollering madly.
    and the students put the heads car on ebay...
    October 23rd, 2008 at 04:41pm
  • I agree with that Wispy. When I saw the video it did not look like the guy was being bullied. Just looked like he was mucking around with his mates.
    October 23rd, 2008 at 07:12am
  • To be honest, I'm not even surprised that the Xavier boys did this... I actually know a boy who goes to that school. And honestly, they're like any other teenage Aussie boy.

    They were just having fun for their muck-up day, since it's the day all Yr 12's look forward too... they just took it overboard. Now they're suffering for what they did.

    And regarding the comments below... they were only suspended, not expelled. Which means they'll all still graduate if they pass their VCE.
    October 23rd, 2008 at 07:11am
  • you know, nothing really bad happened, and still all these people got suspended. the media are playing it up a lot.

    that wheelie bin incident, it wasn't bullying, they were doing it for fun. the guy in the wheelie bin was like "hey, wouldn't it be funny if i was wheeled in a wheelie bin and you guys filmed it and put it on youtube!"

    i only know this because my friends dad works there.
    October 23rd, 2008 at 06:33am
  • I don't think that's fair.
    There's always a couple of mature stundents who don't take part in these things, you know.
    October 22nd, 2008 at 09:29pm
  • Pfft. That's nothing. I've heard of much worse.
    But I still LOL'd.
    October 22nd, 2008 at 07:24pm
  • That would suck, so much. If I couldn't see my teachers, I'd break down.

    Though they shouldn't have done all that crap to the school and whatnot.

    All of them expelled though? That's a bit harsh.
    October 22nd, 2008 at 02:57pm
  • Those boys are so dumb, Thats not even funny.
    And what about those poor people that got pranked on.
    These kids were YEAR TWELEVE!
    GROW UP!
    October 22nd, 2008 at 02:16pm
  • Haha! G-Strings made of ties! Now thats creative!
    Kudos to them!
    But suspending them all!? Jerks!
    Not only have they got no chics at their entire school, but they arent allowed to have fun!!
    October 22nd, 2008 at 12:03pm
  • Sound like these guys know how to have fun. =D
    October 22nd, 2008 at 11:48am
  • haha i LOLed when i first heard that
    it's kinda funny
    but then i think it's kinda harsh to suspend the whole year 12 level
    and geez, isnt muck-up day on the last day of year 12
    thats when we have ours :)

    October 22nd, 2008 at 11:31am
  • for yr 12 muck up day, in sydney.

    October 22nd, 2008 at 11:02am
  • yeah. agree with the not susspending the whole grade.

    they suspended my friends and their grade because they egged a teacher.

    and that is nothing compared to this.

    October 22nd, 2008 at 11:01am
  • Ive heard about this too. And im a bit unsure how i feel about it. On one side i think it was a bit harsh to suspend the WHOLE year 12 because if it happened at my school and i got bunished for something i had nothing to do with I WOULD BE PI*SED AS! But i also think SOMEBODY has to know who did what! SO why not tell someone-"dibber doppers wear nappys" yeah but seriously Im in yea 12 and again if this happened in my school ID tell NOTHING would get in the way of my study for exams... And because im in year 12 and COULD NOT BE STRESSING MORE about exams im kinda glad the whole year level has been banned from school... gives me more of chance as they're not at school till the exams. Which kinda mean i know BUT ITS YEAR 12 so i dont care about anyone but me.
    October 22nd, 2008 at 10:14am
  • Haha, yeah I know a few guys from Xavior College. Though I don't think they need to expel the entire year level.
    And I go to a crap school with an awful reputation! Yeah on our muck up day a few buildings were egged, in the year 12 area now smells like public toilet, though it did not go to extremes.
    Haha, and they go on about how public schools(especially mine) are scum. I really think it's crap seeing as I've talked to heaps of people from private girls schools and private boy's schools and most say (the less snobby and stuck-up ones) say that public schools are alot better. One o my friends went to an all private and exlusive school (Though I won't mention the name) and he told me about how shitty it was there. The guys were snobby bastards, the teachers were so strict it was RIDICULES, kids were getting beaten up, the staff didnt care what happened to the kids just as long as the school keeps it's high reputation..
    October 22nd, 2008 at 08:41am