Bible Revamped to Look Like "Fashion Magazine" - Comments

  • I agree with alfred.
    It's kind of contradicting itself.
    October 26th, 2008 at 08:43pm
  • I hope you people know there are other synonyms to the word "ridiculous."
    This is exciting. I absolutely agree.
    Except we should burn all old Bibles and just use the new ones!
    October 26th, 2008 at 08:21pm
  • One word to your opinion: AMEN!!! What the hell!!!! You don't mess with something Sacred. Just like you wouldn't mess with a torah, kooran or any other religious book. Why do people need to change something that is so pure and innocent to make it "socially acceptable" if they want more people interested in the Bible, it's the wrong way to go.
    October 26th, 2008 at 08:08pm
  • Fashion magazine = vanity.
    Vanity = sin.

    It's hypocritical.
    And stupid.
    October 26th, 2008 at 07:18pm
  • eh. I think the Bible is disgusting either way, and I find this a very petty and stupid attempt to convert and brainwash non-believers. Trying to make a book that involves mentionings of going to hell for eternity, hating homosexuals, and having permission to sell your daughter(s) as a sex slave like some sort of fun, modern/hip book is really pathetic.

    I don't really care though what people do to the Bible. Like someone's already said,

    if you don't like it...DO NOT BUY IT.

    Just because it is allegedly going against the Bible's meaning of humility doesn't mean you can't contradict it. Do you think the majority of religious people that believe in what the Bible says [i]really[/i] follow what it says COMPLETELY? No.

    Don't take this as me "victimizing" Christians or Catholics (or any other religious group)--as often done. I'm just saying...come on now. It's pretty obvious that alot of these theists aren't really practicing their religion they way it is meant to be practiced.

    But anyways...I'm done.
    October 26th, 2008 at 06:33pm
  • I think that this is ridiculous. The Bible has nothing to do with pictures of celebrities. I consider this to be a mockery of God's Word, I mean, seriously people.
    October 26th, 2008 at 06:11pm
  • I don't think it's all that bad. Sure, the bible is holy, but if you don't want to read this new version, don't purchase it. I think it actually could help some people who feel intimidated by the bible become more religious. It's not a big deal, really. It's not like it's blasphemy. I think it's rather fun and not a bad thing at all. What's wrong with making religion accessible in the modern world?
    October 26th, 2008 at 05:48pm
  • I think thats ridiculous.
    Did any celebrities change the world, or preach about God's word?
    No, so why do they need to be in the bible.

    This is crazy.
    October 26th, 2008 at 05:35pm
  • And we need this why?...

    I agree, its ridiculous.
    October 26th, 2008 at 04:45pm
  • I don't think it's ridiculous. It's kinda fun if you ask me.
    October 26th, 2008 at 04:04pm
  • Jesus is crying. I'm all for pictures in the Bible, but maybe we could get pictures of people.... in the Bible? I mean, Moses wasn't the best looking guy, but he did a hell of a lot more than Angelina Jolie.
    October 26th, 2008 at 03:37pm
  • I agree. Making over the Bible is absolutely ridiculous. The Bible [b]is[/b] about humility, yet it's using people who have an enormous celebrity status. It's a contradiction in itself, and going against everything the Bible stands for, especially humility. It's becoming "flashy", which, in my opinion, is extremely gaudy.

    This is
    October 26th, 2008 at 03:19pm
  • "The average person's response, though, seems to be, "Umm...OK.""

    I am one of those people. I agree that it's ridiculous. The Bible is pretty much supposed to steer us away from commercialism and worldly obsessions such as movie stars. To me, it's an insulting idea. I guess it would be better if there weren't celebrities. At least then it's real people with real problems who we can actually relate to instead of obsessing over.
    October 26th, 2008 at 03:05pm