U.S. Raids Syria. - Comments

  • Scream and popf have no idea America did this to Syria with nothing to do with the war on terror Iraq wasnt about the war on terror either ameriuca thinks it can police the world by force .I feel ashamed that were allied to you war mongers.One day americ will be stopped hopefully.
    November 15th, 2008 at 06:30pm
  • I agree with SCREAM xx
    Of course this is a bad thing but look at other countries. Russia attacking Georgia, Iraq attacking Iran and vice versa, and some African countries that no one even cares about, etc. They're doing the same thing to each other! The US is no different!
    I'm sure most countries' citizens are ashamed but there is no need to complain about it. If you don't like it, to bad. It happens. No country is perfect.
    November 5th, 2008 at 01:07am
  • Yeah, it was horrible of us to go and kill innocent victims in Syria. But innocent victims were killed here, in the United States, as well. Did everyone seem to forget about September 11th, 2001? I know I haven't. I'm sure over a thousand children were killed during this attack. So we arn't the only killers. Not to mention the thousands of children left without parents. So maybe you forget. But I know I don't.

    My aunt died because of Saddam Hussein and Osama Bin Laden, as well as thousands of innocent people as well. My cousin is fighting for my country right now as I am typing this (and probably partying and getting drunk too, but thats a whole different story). I want this war to be over and all of our troops home and safe just like everyone else. But seriously Americans (who commented on this), do you really have no pride for your country? If you find so much fault in [i]your[/i] country, why don't you leave? I mean, it seems to me you hate it so much, then leave and go to one that you actually agree with.

    I'm sorry if this offended anyone, really, but americans that say this shit really pisses me off. Yes, everyone has a right to their own opinion, but if you're going to complain about something, then do something about it, or deal with it. I also hate when we are called murderers. Yes, we have flaws, but so do other countries. It's not like they are perfect either.
    November 4th, 2008 at 10:13pm
  • No wonder theyre the most hated nation .America needs to be stopped before they go further and invade Syria and Iran and then Russia
    November 2nd, 2008 at 04:08pm
  • god, I hope my brother wasn't part of that...He hasn't called for a few days...
    October 29th, 2008 at 11:31pm
  • I'm Syrian-American, born & raised in New York but originally from Syria, and I had really hoped nothing like this would happen...
    Syria doesn't have oil and it's not rich so America should really just stay out.
    And what the fuck, their excuse is that they had anti-war rallies?! Do they not realize that virtually EVERYONE in the US opposes the war?
    obama '08
    October 29th, 2008 at 01:27pm
  • What the fuck is wrong with us?

    America is nothing but murderers anymore. I can say I am ashamed to live here in America at this point.
    It's like America can't go a day without shedding someone's blood. We're killing children for pete's sake. What's wrong with us?
    America is so stupid anymore.
    October 29th, 2008 at 02:29am
  • in infinite agreement with Ryou Bakara; I don't know what good the US thinks it's doing, but it sure as hell isn't convincing me.
    October 28th, 2008 at 10:30pm
  • I'm actually learning about war crimes in my history class, and it's true. This attack [i]does[/i] fall into the category of a war crime. If the US wasn't such a powerful and influential country, they'd be in deeper a hole than what Germany was at the end of WWI.

    It's sickening.
    October 28th, 2008 at 07:34pm
  • I seriously hate the U.S government..
    October 28th, 2008 at 06:32am
  • Will it ever end?!

    Good article though.
    October 28th, 2008 at 05:01am