Confessions of a High-Price Prostitution Client

Confessions of a High-Price Prostitution Client I found this topic quite intriguing and it is written in all of my own words.

When a man was asked what kind of guy do you have to be to hire expensive hookers, he answered in kind.

It doesn't really matter their stats - young, old, married, or single. They just have to broadcast their availability to hire an "escort.

Another question was asked, and that was how men meet said escorts. He explained that it's really quite simple. There are several ways to meet one. He's done so by internet, or by being referred to an agency by a client. He believes comfort is crucial, so the first time they meet should be just that: a meeting of a companion. Some men limit their number of acquaintances because of this reason.

Question: What do you look for online when searching for an escort?

He believe in the girlfriend experience (GFE), which implies the most obvious service, and the most presentable illusions. Usually, in these types of relationships, the lady is seing the guy because of the compensation. But if they see each other more regularly it will develop into something more. The illusion of a girlfriend is vital because otherwise the element of an extended engagement isn't there.

It was wondered if this meant that he provided the lady with a BFE, as well.

In his opinion, if a woman believes she is getting the Boyfriend Experience, she would react differently than an overly formal gentleman with a business-like manner.

Question: When meeting an escort, is it customary to bring a gift or tip?

Gifts aren't exactly necessary, but tips are most likely helpful. Something like $50 would seem like simple noise, so you have to make sure you're generous. Although, gifts might be flattering in the sense that you're showing her you are interested.

Question: How does your relationship with a client grow with the essence of time?

It's sort of like the teenage dating cycle. You take many more precautions on the first date than you would on, say the fifth or sixth. Over time, you just get more comfortable with the other person and you can relax about things more and more. The change in dynamic is important in these situations.

I, personally, found this question to be one of the more intriguing ones. It was asked if the man ever saw a high-end prostitute when not paying for the time.

The best way to describe a situation like this, is with the term "off the clock." This means that no money was involved because there is more than just sex to the relationship.

Question: Can the client ever become a confidante?

Why not? Every now and then they're asked for advice. It occurs vice-versa, too. It cuts both ways because in such cases, they don't have much to hide from each other.

Of course this is the news-breaking question:WHY WOULD A MAN SPEND TENS OF THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS FOR AN ESCORT?

Sometimes, they pay them so that eventually, they will go away. Sometimes, an escort is still a lot less expensive than an ongoing relationship. Think about certain lifestyles and supporting a wife and kids. Now that costs.

Question: When it comes to legality, how do you view prostitution?

This question was not satisfactorily answered, in my opinion. The man only said that some societies see it as unfit and the U.S. sees it as an added complication, but is quite easy to get a DA's name in the paper.

Finally, the last question. Why is secrecy so important?

Not many cases make it to the front page. Usually, they aren't important enough for the corruption to be carded, but we don't want society finding out about it.

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