Capital Punishment-The Moral Issue - Comments

  • That was to SpaceFrog (the most annoying person on mibba) by the way.
    January 1st, 2009 at 03:12pm
  • I do, in fact, pay tax. I have a job. I don't mooch off society. So don't give me that maturity bullshit. I'm probably older than you. I don't give enough of a shit to check.
    January 1st, 2009 at 03:12pm
  • Oh, and by the way, person under me with an extremely long comment, you said the statistic was 1/1000, right?
    Well, while you're fighting for that ONE person, who's fighting for the victims of the other 9999? Who's going to save them from being killed, or raped?
    God, some of you are just sickening.
    December 24th, 2008 at 12:31pm
  • Letting them rot in jail is just giving them more time to find an escape route. Sometimes it's necessary when someone testified against a person. What if they got out? That convicted felon would most likely try to kill the witness! That filth shouldn't be allowed to rid our world any longer.

    Stop fighting for people who don't deserve it.
    December 24th, 2008 at 12:28pm
  • Actually FnHeroes only said they would talk about the side they agree with.
    And anyway, you probably aren't paying taxes yet. You're parents are. And there are a lot worse things our money is going too, the Iraq war for instance.

    I'd much rather spend my money on keeping people alive then on killing innocent civilians.
    November 26th, 2008 at 10:32am
  • You only argued the against side. You said you had arguments for both...
    Anyway, I personally wouldn't spend my money on keeping rapists and child molesters and animal abusers alive.
    ALSO, can we can the personal attacks on me?
    I said I wrote the goddamn essay for english class, I didn't say it was my personal opinion.
    November 24th, 2008 at 07:38am
  • I could quite easily talk myself to death (ironic-isn’t it) over this one – for both sides, but for now I’ll present what think are the most important things for the side I most agree with. And, for the benefit of certain ‘challenged’ individuals below me who wrote things such as “murders should die” and then stopped, I’ll even use a similar format.

    [u]The Money and The Chance[/u]
    Now, for the sake of this argument, let’s say that for every murderer/rapist/whoever-else-you-want-to-die that goes to prison, and gets out (which you’ve implied is quite common), 1:1000 is fully rehabilitated. Now we know the odds of re-offence are ALOT better than this, so bear with me. Contrary to what popular belief might dictate, prison is not just about the punishment. In fact, that’s only a very, [I]very[/I] small part of what prison is about.
    Prison is about re-habilitation, and it is about isolation.
    We don’t put people in prison so they know they’ve done something wrong necessarily, we do it to keep them away from law abiding citizens and therefore keep them safe, and to try and help them become what society accepts as ‘acceptable’. So if our ONE, SINGULAR individual becomes a ‘better person’, and has the chance to make something of their life, who are we to deny them that chance? Why would you WANT, to deny them the chance to live a relatively normal life from there on after. Because they’ve done something wrong? If they are being let out of prison, in theory they are now rehabilitated and are no longer a threat to society. Otherwise, we’d just keep them in jail. So what’s the point? Your argument to this is that it just costs too much, so some hick can stand up there and say ‘I aint spendin’ my bucks on dem crinimals’. Well let me tell you that that argument is pathetic. Money? Do we look like we’re in a crisis when it comes to money? INCLUSIVE of financial rescission, Australia is still far better off than most countries in similar financial circumstances, and our taxpayer rate, is very low. So basically you just need to suck it up and pay that extra 20c a year, because the life of that one person is a priceless thing. You can kill a murderer, but you can’t kill murder. All your doing is adding to it. So if there is a chance that just one person can be set free of past deeds, let them go for it with everything they’ve got. Now we can see that the odds of re-offence – depending on the individual crime and criminal type - are actually well below 50-75%. So your 20c is going much further than 1:1000.

    [u]The precedent – don’t set it[/u]
    As soon as you take someone’s life, innocent or not, you send the message to the world that it is okay to do so. Australia is very much now on the world stage, so we are also very closely watched. America has very little global respect, and China is only now starting to earn there’s back, and it is countries like ours that are held in very high esteem in the international arena. There are a lot of country’s, with that number increasing, that are looking to us for guidance. Not all of which, are what you would call ‘politically correct’ countries. As soon as Australia implemented the Death Penalty, you could bet your bottom dollar (which is a lot bigger than theirs) other countries would start to do the same, or increase the types of sentencing that include the Death Penalty. This is not something we want to happen. When you get country’s with semi-corrupt governments making decision about things such as Life and Death, based on things WE have done, that is when you get little tiny China’s popping up everywhere, executing their ministers for health and safety ministers because of a misplaced sanction agreement. Believe me, it did happen.

    And before I go, I take offence at the thought that you think that putting a bag on someones head and riddlingthem with bullets, which can possibly scar the people on the squad, is a humane thing to do. Just in case you’ve forgotten, these people are human beings.

    The Death penalty may appear glamorous from the outside, a cure-all solution for many problems we as a country face, but it is only a broken band aid. You can put it on, but the infection still grows, and then spreads. Don’t let us open that wound in the first place. As you rightly said, It is time to mend the mistakes made in society and make Australia a better country.
    November 24th, 2008 at 12:53am
  • well written aritcle
    i disagree with it though
    if a man killed a man do we have the right to murder the murder?
    no. that makes us no better and has far as the whole not mental stabel i think they should be out in jail with a therpist on call.
    As far as mass murders go why dont we let them rot in jail listening to the screms of all the people he killed.
    that would be the worst punishment, not only can they be offerd as little as it takes to keep them alive their minds will slowly wither away.
    November 20th, 2008 at 01:53am
  • you may want to legalize this but seriously there are only a minority of Australians who believe in the death penalty and we would be a hypocrite because we do not want the Bali nine killed but if we legalize the death penalty we would have to take our signature from the UN treaty we signed and remove any laws from our legal system so I think that we should keep it banned because it is a breaking of a basic human right
    November 19th, 2008 at 12:49am
  • If the person has commited a murder then they should die.
    November 19th, 2008 at 12:00am
  • As my honors English teacher would say: Whether you are right or not, it's still excellently written and that's what matters.

    Excellent article, you gave a lot of examples and facts and didn't use first person which is good in an essay.

    (Personally, I don't like the capital punishment, but that's just me)
    November 18th, 2008 at 10:21pm
  • I think I'm more for capital punishment than against it, especially if the person is 100% absolutely completely beyond-a-doubt guilty. I mean, why have someone spend the rest of their life in prison, using money that taxpayers pay and using up resources such as water and prison space when they could just be executed? Also, if you ask me, being executed is far more humane than rotting in prison for the rest of your life…
    November 18th, 2008 at 09:46pm
  • If you want to argue for the death penalty, you will first have to argue that it is okay to ever take away the life of a human being.
    November 18th, 2008 at 07:30pm
  • Shit's wrong with people who're murdering others. I'd only agree with capital punishment if the murderer deserved it, but really - if you think about it - they're either practically blameless, or suffering from a mental illness.
    November 18th, 2008 at 07:19pm
  • Sorry but I don't think you could be more wrong. Killing somebody who killed somebody is pure hypocrisy.
    It's never ok to throw a person's life away like a piece of trash regardless.
    Also, if you'd murdered somebody, wouldn't you WANT to be killed? It's much more of a punishment to live with the guilt.
    November 18th, 2008 at 07:15pm
  • I'll just say something I saw a user say on the thread regarding the death penalty:

    "If we have killers killed, why not have rapists raped?"
    November 18th, 2008 at 06:19pm
  • Martin Luther King Jr. once said , "You can murder a murderer, but you can't murder murder itself."

    Capital Punishment is bullshit & always will be to me . I don't believe in killing people for there deeds. They should have to rot in jail.
    November 18th, 2008 at 04:46pm
  • I understand that it's expensive to the tax payers to keep people in prison for whatever crime.

    By giving these disgusting people death, you're just giving them the easy way out. They don't have to sit there and remember and think about what they've done like they should. Instead of letting the criminal stew over their crime, you want them to forget and be forgotten? I don't.

    They can rot in jail with the remembrance of what they've done. If I was a family member of a victim, I'd like it better if they were behind bars.

    No one should determine when someone should die, government or not; that's murder (in my eyes, premeditated).
    November 18th, 2008 at 03:36pm
  • I 100% agree with SpaceFrog.
    I'm not going to bother typing it all over again but like she said it's not right that one man can decide when another person should die. It's just wrong.
    November 18th, 2008 at 03:23pm
  • Loved it. Very well written, although I think a few more statistics or examples to back up your opinions would've added a bit more to it. There were some in there but a few more throughout wouldn't have hurt it any.

    And a HUGE thank you for bringing something other than abortion or sexuality to the articles section. It's refreshing to see something new, especially when it's so well written. =]
    November 18th, 2008 at 03:18pm