124 Arrested as Schoolies Party Hard on the Gold Coast

124 Arrested as Schoolies Party Hard on the Gold Coast Every year thousands of teenagers descend on the Gold Coast, celebrating the end of their high school years. It is an annual celebration for all Year twelve student to drink, drink, drink and party, party, party.

However nine months after that one week in November the consequences of Schoolies week become clearer to many young female Schoolies attendees.

However, unwanted an unwanted pregnancy isn’t the only risk in attending Schoolies week. In recent years the violence, binge drinking and law infringing has become more common making schoolies week one of the most dangerous weeks for holiday makers on the sunny Gold Coast.“Lots of fighting, I love fighting, just love it” one schoolie told reporters

Last night over 120 people were arrested for over 135 offenses; however police say that only 24 of them were actual schoolies.

Non schoolies, often called Toolies prey upon the thousands of schoolies who attend schoolies week. They are often there for drunken sex and drug dealing.

Police have praised the behaviour of the schoolies but is urging anyone who is not a school leaver to avoid schoolies week.

Schoolies week ends next Sunday but the damages and repairs bills will follow the residents and business owners on the Gold Coast for many months to come. And when it seems as if all has returned to normal schoolies week 2009 will start and much to the residents and business owners on the Gold Coast’s displeasure the tradition doesn’t look to be stopping any time soon.

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