Technology, Media, and America's declining Morals."

Technology, Media, and America's declining Morals." Technology, while making our lives easier, runs the morals and ethics of America. Television, radio, games, literature, as well as many other forms of technology today desensitize us to issues such as violence, rape, and xenophobia, while promoting ideas of mindless nationalism, the so-called American dream, the catastrophe that we call capitalism, and the “War on Terrorism, Incorporated.”

First, we'll speak of television. People in America have some sick, twisted idea that everything that blares out of their idiot box is straight truth. “If it was a lie, they wouldn't put it on TV, right?” This kind of reasoning is the fault of the nation, and why our country is run by morons, why our country pours 56 million dollars a day into an unwinnable war, and why our economy is in the pooper. People need to get it into their minds that large news companies, such as Fox News, CNN, and ABC are controlled by the government. These companies sugarcoat the war, making our nation seem like “liberators,” and “A gift from God!” We are constantly bombarded with images of the American Flag, and mindless nationalism. We are told that if we aren't with the government, we're with the terrorists. This simply isn't true. After people hear this every day for their entire lives, it becomes their reality. With mass media outlets such as television, the people in charge of these companies can spread whatever information they want, 1984 style.

We're constantly told that we're too ugly. We're constantly told that we're not good enough. Our breasts are too small. Our noses are too big. But wait! Theres still hope! Buy our product! “Buy more stuff! Buy more stuff! Defend freedom and fight terror so we can buy more stuff!” (to quote Jello Biafra) We're always shown “exceptional human beings,” and we're told we could look like that. These skinny, beautiful super models are really air brushed, photoshopped, and cropped to the point where they're unrecognizable. Anorexia, bulimia, and other diseases such as these, are all products of the media telling us we aren't beautiful. Television destroys our self esteem in the name of profit, one ad at a time.

Television desensitizes us to violence. Turn on any show nowadays, and you'll see gun fights, torture, and images of blood and gore. After being exposed to this people come to accept it, even enjoy it. Even I'm guilty of this brainwash, as before I wrote this paper, I was playing a video game, killing people. What kind of barbaric society enjoys violence?

It's the same on the radio. If you have listened to the radio lately, you've noticed you hear one mainstream government-friendly song, then 15 advertisements, then the same mainstream government-friendly song, then 15 more ads. Telling us we're ugly. Telling us to buy this. Since we have this, we must have that. The music glorifies violence, and objectifies women. It tells us that money is most important. I don't even consider this music. Music, to me, is an expression of your thoughts, your opinions, and this pseudo-music is purely carbon copies of every other song playing on MTV.

The internet seems to be the only redeeming quality to the mainly government-controlled technology. The internet, completely unregulated, uncensored, where people can post their opinions without being afraid of the feds showing up to send them to Guantanamo Bay, our nazi-esque torture camp in Cuba that the media portrays as an “advanced interrogation camp.” This is truly the final frontier, so start posting up your opinions, because big brother is trying to regulate that too.

Technology is another word for media brainwash and social control. You could dismiss this as a stupid paper written by an angsty teenager who doesn't know how good he's got it. Don't get me wrong, I know how lucky I am to be a rich white male. However, I have compassion for other people, besides myself. I have compassion for the poor, sent off to an unwinnable war to line the pockets of the big bad capitalists in congress. I have compassion for the women who are beaten every night by their husbands, because television has conditioned these men to think that's alright. I have compassion for the black man, who is dismissed as an “ignorant n-----r” every time he tries to get a job, or express his opinions. All in the name of media.

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