Lack of Love leads to Seclusion - Comments

  • Okay, so I can't say im overweight and that I can relate to this, but I can see your point in this article, and I liked it.

    Yeah, the lepers were contagious, which is a reason people were avoiding, but people back then were stoning them for even looking that way, not because they didn't want to get it. You shouldn't defend people you don't know anything about. They were all different. Do you honestly think that if they weren't contagious that those people would still want to be around lepers? no.

    And for all those saying God is perfect and that he does everything for a reason, do you know that for sure? Did God himself come down to you and sit in your room on your bed and explain to you his entire history?

    I don't think so.

    I just think the God thing should have been left out of the article. It makes it more personal, and shows your own personal religious views, and people can attack that. I'm not attacking you for being catholic or christian, I am just stating that it is unwise.

    Otherwise, good article. Brownie points given.
    January 25th, 2009 at 06:16am
  • God didn't sent that flood to Earth because they were
    all horrible, immoral people. He did what He had to do
    to make the World good again. He told Noah and his family
    beforehand, so that they would build an arc and save the
    animals. He was doing us all a favor. Is that wrong?
    January 14th, 2009 at 12:53am
  • I don't know, God did kill a couple people in that flood, right?
    That's a little less than perfect..
    January 13th, 2009 at 01:29am
  • This was a great article. I know exactly what you're getting at - I constantly judge people one their appearences, probably just because I know a lot of people do it to me.

    Nice one.
    January 12th, 2009 at 09:23pm
  • MK, Great article! I greatly appreciated this because it gives people a heads up of what they and myself have been doing to people which can have a terrible outcome. I think this article was well written and you admitted that you do it as well which is great because it adds more personality and character to this article. Nice job and I hope people get the message. GREAT!
    January 11th, 2009 at 10:36pm
  • I can kind of see your point but maybe the whole 'lepers' bit wasn't the best way to go. Since veering clear of lepers was probably a very good idea since, like others have stated, leprosy is a very contagious disease. At the time when leprosy was a big thing, there wasn't anyway to be around a leper and keep yourself healthy. It's not like now, in the year 2008, when people with infectious disease can be treated and taken care of without the risk to the people around them. Isolation was really the only way.

    And lepers isn't a 'label or stereotype.' Not at all.

    But anyway, I do get what you were trying to say. We shouldn't treat people badly because of physical appearances.

    I think your article was a bit scattered. Sometimes your points got all muddled and disorganized and became a bit hard to follow. Maybe you can try plotting out your article next time, so that things have a better order and your point doesn't get lost.
    January 11th, 2009 at 09:49pm
  • No-one came near lepers because no-one wanted to catch the disease, that's why they weren't allowed to live among other people. It was not out of cruelty, in fact it had absolutely nothing to do with cruelty, as little was known about diseases back then catching leprosy was worst than dying- you suffered in agony for a long time. It's a terrible disease, I don't think we have the right to blame people for not allowing lepers to live in their communities. -shrug-
    January 11th, 2009 at 08:14pm
  • I loved this article. To be honest, I'm not a leper, but i'm one of those plus-sized people and I love to wear black. But, it's not because it's slimming But because I think it looks better on me than pink.

    I've never really cared what people thought of me because I've grown up being overweight, having horrible skin, and shit. I just got used to it after a few years.

    But great job on this!!
    January 11th, 2009 at 06:52pm
  • I know that it was a contagious disease,
    but lepers were forsaken, abdandoned,
    and ignored. Even if nobody wants to
    catch leprosy, that doesn't mean they
    have to treat them with utter cruelness.
    January 11th, 2009 at 04:41pm
  • Leprosy is a contagious disease, people weren't just mean for the sake of it, they were trying to prevent an epidemic.
    January 11th, 2009 at 02:51pm
  • I don't think it counts as 'hate', exactly. How could it, when we would say how closely 'hate' is to 'love'? This is prejudice. Discrimination. Those who stereotype have a habit of leading themselves to doing so.
    We arrange what we will experience and have already experienced into mental categories so to make the world easier for us to understand and thus for us to go on a little more smoothly in our day-to-day lives. Stereotyping is this aspect of human nature gone completely bonkers.
    I know that a lot of the wrong beliefs I held against people, and how I avoided those people for them, was up to because thinking horrible about others for things that make them different from me, made me feel better about who I was.

    By realising how disturbingly twisted that logic was, I stopped to wonder how I could like myself if I thought such things, anyway. I wonder if this revelation could help anyone else catch themselves out when about to gossip?
    Well, I've had my say. I'll finish with thanking you for writing the article; it was pretty good :) Although, admittedly, the topic does seem a frequent reoccurrence on this site...
    January 11th, 2009 at 12:24pm
  • Thank you for that charming little story about a lazy, obese girl who you got fleas from. Clearly, you don't like her. Why did you spend the night at her house?
    Maybe it's not going away any time soon,
    but does that mean we should encourage or advertise it?
    No - it's still wrong.
    January 11th, 2009 at 06:29am
  • well actually the whisper to a friend thing gets you in more trouble than being straight up. Its called the grapevine. If I dislike someone, which is usually cause of how they act around me, not cause of superficial things. I'll say it to their faces, I know this one girl that is obese, cause she refuses to get off her ass. she can there is nothing wrong with her...she is just lazy. So I called her on it when she refused to get off the couch and clean. then she calls me and asks why I said this and that. I slept there once and got fleas and maggots on me. She asked why I said it and I called her on it. I don't have problems with obese people. I have problems with people that have an attitude or are lazy. I get made fun of for being skinny, or having pink hair and piercings. Hate makes the world go round. it much as I hate to say it. There has been hate and discrimination for as long as there has been civilization. Get used to it, its not going away.
    January 11th, 2009 at 05:47am
  • Don't worry about.
    All if forgiven and forgotten.
    January 11th, 2009 at 05:22am
  • Sorry, my comment wasn't against the article or anything against you. I can be extremely stupid sometimes. I was trying to add reasons why people shouldn't make fun of obese people. It wasn't directly to you, which was stupid of me since it's a comment to [i]your[/i] article.

    Again, sorry. Hopefully you won't have to put up with my stupidity again.
    January 11th, 2009 at 05:20am
  • This was a nicely written article.
    Everyone gossips. We even do it when we don't realize we do. I gossip all the time. It's just something that happens often. It's part of human nature to do so.
    I think the world needs both hate and love. It balances out the world. We need hate in the world.
    January 11th, 2009 at 04:16am
  • I can't help but point out that black is not always slimming.
    Kinda not important.. but you know.
    January 11th, 2009 at 03:33am
  • Good article! I'm not really so vocal about anything I say. I usually keep it in my head.
    January 11th, 2009 at 03:31am
  • Nicely written article! I must say I agree with you in this article. People (everyone in my opinion) gossips about others. And truthfully, I think almost everyone has something about themselves that they hate. It's sort of the humanity, to be ourselves critics. And as somebody told me once, you yourself is much better at seeing the bad and negative sides about yourself and your appearance. But gossiping etc. is only making the negative feelings about yourself stronger. So you see even more flaws. Like, I've heard a billion times how boring, emo and "geeky" I am. Seems my friends sometimes are pretty good at pointing out my bad sides and looks. And once, my best friend told me about this guy, who was ugly as hell according to her. And then suddenly she points out that I look alike him! Not my best day to say it. And now I've complained enough, chatty chatty over.
    I loved your article!

    Hugs and kisses, Mindless <3
    January 11th, 2009 at 02:57am
  • Some people are obese due to health problems, too. My friend (or used-to-be-friend) had a problem that limited her exercise or something. Also, my mother has a really slow metabolism, so that causes her to be over-weight.

    Also, people who take asthma medicine could become overweight and even obese due to the medicine. It's not their fault that they have asthma, is it?
    January 11th, 2009 at 02:37am