
Destroyed? This much had become evident in the past one hundred years. Yet we've been killing our planet ever since the dawn of time. Look back at the ice age for example. There is evidence to suggest that humans practically hunted mammoths into extinction along with many other species of beautiful creatures.

We have hunted many other animals to extinction since then as well. Too many to even mention. Even right at this moment we hunt whales to extinction and for what? Supposedly scientific research? I don't believe on ounce of that crap. Soon too these magnificent creatures will become extinct.

Then we've also been destroying ourselves since when we first walked the earth. So much hate some of us have for each other! So much anger. War had existed almost as long as we have. We're not just killing animals, we're killing each other.

Then there are the machines. They become more and more advanced with each passing day. The chemicals used to make them are emitted into the atmosphere and have cut a hole on the skin of the earth, maybe a hole that won't ever be repaired.

Then there is the running of the machines. Burning of oil to run vehicles and homes is pouring massive amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere and vastly changing our weather patterns. It may also be the cause of some natural disasters that have placed many people homeless. Still even though there are ways to prevent this it continues to happen.

Then there are our holes. We dig deep. Sometimes too deep. What's under the dirt should remain under the dirt, or put back in the dirt.

There are also many humans on the planet. Maybe to many, we are probably the most numerous dominant species to roam the earth. Yet there seems to be not enough resources to support them. Many of these people live in cities, large ugly cement cities. It makes me sick. I fail to understand how anyone could live like that with all the smog. So many starving and homeless people.

Then there's the destroying of plantation. Once upon a time our earth was covered in beautiful forests. Much of this has now been destroyed. What for though? So there is more room to farm of course! Why not strip the land bare and kill a hell of a lot of homes in the process?
Stupid isn't it?

one hundred even thousand year old trees, the homes of so many plant and animal species being destroyed to clear the land and makes money off the wood,

It's horrible. All of this because of humans and humans alone. Though some fight for our planet the condition continues to deteriorate.

This is the end of life as we know it.

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