California Medical Board Probes Octuplet Birth - Comments

  • teebird21

    teebird21 (100)

    United States
    okay okay...i did not intend to offend anyone, but that was my opinion, and i will stand by it.
    I still think that this whole outrage could have been prevented had the doctor been more "responsible" as I see it. yes it is unlikely that all implanted embryos will take, but there is a chance they will. by implanting 2-3 embryos (which is the usual amount implanted) he as a doctor shoyuld know that only 1 could take or all could take. He KNEW that by implanting 6 embryos, all could take, or 1 or 2. He knew the chances, even if it was a really small chance, and she still had them put in.

    I was also watching a national news show the other night and they interviews the womans mother, who according to her, is the main source of child care for the 6 previous children. She stated that her daughter was upsessed with having many children, but she would really know what it is to take care of 6, let alone 14 children. I guess i would have to agree. If a mother is unable to [b]completely[b] care for the children she has, why should she have more?

    And Finally, by the whole taxpayer thing. I know that tax payers don't pay for the fertility drugs, but they will have to pay for the acre of those children. Even with the support of the mothers money and the grandparents, that 17 mouths to feed. She will most likely have to apply for some kind of government help. On that same news report, it said that the health care insurance costs on those 14 children would reach into the millions. We alreayd have a problem with that to begin with.

    All in all, and even though i jsut wrote all this, the whole worldwide news gossip about this story is overwhelming. yes she had the children and theres nothing we can do about it now. so all i have to say is good luck to the mother and i pray that those children have a good live, even though see some kind of haziness in their future.
    February 13th, 2009 at 01:44am
  • kaleidoscope.

    kaleidoscope. (250)

    United States
    My parents have been saying that
    she only did it to get money.
    February 11th, 2009 at 08:04am
  • It's In The Blood.

    It's In The Blood. (150)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I personally think that implanting eight embryos was rather foolhardy, because it's [b]rare[/b] for them all to take, not [b]impossible[/b]. This means it has happened before, and that the doctor would have been aware of this. Two, three, even four would have made more sense (to me anyway).

    But she has the babies now, and all you can do is hope she provides the care and love they deserve. Maybe she will, maybe she won't. It'll be damned hard for her for sure - eight newborns and six young children? I wouldn't wish that on anyone.

    Good luck to her.
    February 10th, 2009 at 09:01pm
  • Airi.

    Airi. (2240)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    She can raise these kids on her own. It's not impossible. Sure it'll be hard for her but it's not impossible. If she tries hard enough, she can raise them on her own.
    It's rare for all the embryos to take. And in her case it did. But usually the embryos won't all take. Only a few will. So the doctor wasn't insane. Where the medical board is going is that for the age Suleman was, the norm for her age is like three and he put six in her. I don't even think the doctor thought they would all take.
    February 8th, 2009 at 06:06pm
  • MeghanLydie

    MeghanLydie (100)

    United States
    first of all tax money doesn't go to invitro.
    you have to pay for fertility drugs out of your own pocket dumb ass.

    second of all before you judge someone you can do online courses for college.
    get a clue before you talk about things you know nothing about and maybe you should update yourself on TODAYS process' in which people go about living their daily life.

    i know people who have more than 14 kids.
    so stop saying she's insane.
    because it is possible to raise that many children. she is just doing it all at once.
    February 8th, 2009 at 06:00pm
  • asteroid

    asteroid (100)

    United States, it sounds like you don't understand how the process works. Until you do (it's described in a comment below), don't hate on the mother.

    It's not like she walked into the clinic and exclaimed, "I WANT EIGHT MORE CHILDREN. GIVE 'EM TO ME NOW!" She was probably expecting one. The normal range for embryos to develop from this type of pregnancy is from 0-2 ish. Not all of them usually take. In this case, they did.

    So what if she loves children? So what if she wants to keep them despite their number? She's brave. She loves them. That in no way allows [i]anyone[/i], especially a teenager on a writing website, to judge her.
    February 8th, 2009 at 05:50pm
  • teebird21

    teebird21 (100)

    United States
    I think this is ridiculous.
    one single mother simply cannot raise 14 children on her own..
    and she "plans to return to school in the fall"?
    having children is a wonderful thing, but she definetly went too far.
    The doctor that implaneted the embryos is even more insane, allowing her to have so many children, especially him, being the smarter one, could predict the result.
    it would be one thing is she was married and she and her husband didnt have children and were hoping for one...naturally. scientificly, the chance of having twins or more with fertility drugs is far higher that natural conceivement.

    its nice to see where my parents lovely tax money will be going.
    to women addicted to going birth.
    February 8th, 2009 at 04:35pm
  • Softest..

    Softest.. (100)

    14 KIDS? What is that woman smoking??!!?
    February 8th, 2009 at 06:07am
  • Airi.

    Airi. (2240)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    In no way was this article meant to hate on Suleman. I'm sorry if it came off that way but it was never meant to hate on her.
    February 8th, 2009 at 04:43am
  • MeghanLydie

    MeghanLydie (100)

    United States
    leave the woman alone. christ.
    i want a lot of kids and who could blame someone?
    when they put the embryos in they don't expect all of them to take.
    by putting 6 in they probably felt that she needed that many because of her age, and the possibility of them not taking.
    i would feel so blessed if i was given 14 kids.
    she is an amazing person.
    and she doesn't deserve to be criticized and i would help her any way i could.
    being a mother is a beautiful thing.
    don't hate on her just because you wouldn't do that for yourself.
    February 8th, 2009 at 03:51am
  • Kissing.Sin

    Kissing.Sin (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I don't agree with this woman in the slightest
    Her arguments for having 8 more kids are ridiculous
    'I was lonely' is a crap argument, she already had 6 kids.
    Good luck depending on 'family, friends and church'
    If she was my friend I wouldn't lend her money, not when she willingly got herself into that situation
    February 8th, 2009 at 12:35am
  • xXGreyWingsXx

    xXGreyWingsXx (850)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Yikes. Well, it's pretty silly to impregnate someone with more than two; I mean, the death rate is high. It's life-threatening for more than the kids. But if she didn't protest, then I don't see how they can file anything against the doctor.
    February 7th, 2009 at 11:54pm