Evil's Agents Evangelists Part Two: The Reign of Terror… Via the PAC and GOP, and Left Wing Christia

Evil's Agents Evangelists Part Two: The Reign of Terror… Via the PAC and GOP, and Left Wing Christia Scare tactics that is the name of the game when it comes to the current political position of the Republicans and their followers. Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal (as reported by Newsmax) spoke on NBC about the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. He stated that he would refuse 100 million dollars of recovery money that would be required to be put towards unemployment.

He says “Well, it, it's--no. The $100 million we turned down was temporary federal dollars that would require us to change our unemployment laws. That would've actually raised taxes on Louisiana businesses. We as a state would've been responsible for paying for those benefits after the federal money disappeared…except the federal law, if you actually read the bill…The word permanent is in the bill. It requires the state to make a permanent change in our law.”

However, Governor Jindal is incorrect on two key things, one the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (available in pdf form through a quick search on usa.gov) is only 736 pages, and the word permanent only appears a grand total of nine times all of which are in reference to permanent residents, business owners, or station position of those individuals in the armed forces. No where in the bill does it require any state to change their laws permanently to accept the recovery money coming out of the ARRA of 2009.

Gov. Jindal, a republican, and once considered candidate for the vice-president ticket (before the elections last year) is now using scare tactics and vague references to twist the meaning of the ARRA, and in doing so, changing how people view its usefulness.

Let’s be clear here, we are talking about a stimulus package designed to help people; a stimulus package that is less than one sixth of the amount of money spent on a pointless war. Republicans sit back and yell and scream saying “lower taxes, get the private sector going again.”

But what is really being said is, “let us keep our money and let the poor get poorer.” The worst thing that could be done right now is to lower taxes on the rich (a.k.a. the private sector) and force yet more money out of those who make less than 250k dollars a year. If we consider that the state of economy is due to poor spending and low taxes in the first place, then it is obvious that the best plan of action to save the economy is to tax and rebuild it. Taxation is not a bad thing, it is, instead, a necessary part of our governing system to ensure that the monies necessary for production and action are there and available. None the less the scare tactics are there and people are falling for it.

The left wing is producing yet more fear through its conjecture of Christian morals. In the Trumpet world news column “The Changing Face of Britain; February 18, 2009” columnist Joel Hilliker claims that the “native Britons are fleeing in record numbers. Over that same decade, nearly 1.6 million British citizens emigrated abroad—200,000 in 2006 alone. From 2002 to 2006, the established white population in England declined by almost a quarter of a million...” This is all because of the incline in national immigrants coming into the UK. What more, the claim is even further pushed by white supremacy and prejudice against Muslims. Unfortunately this same sentiment is seen throughout the US, especially now after the 9/11 terrorist attacks. This Racism, products of Christian left wing propaganda, is only being perpetuated.

“Britain once had a firm sense of its own identity—rooted in biblically based morals and high standards—and of obligation to set an example of uprightness and civility for the rest of the world. Today, however, traditional British values have been almost wholly replaced by a rabid devotion to the hollow ideals of tolerance and multiculturalism.”

In this day of many cultures, where ideals, knowledge, and principles of morality are shared and exchanged so readily, this anti-tolerance lends its self to the fear that is now building into the corner stone of paranoia found in the US and all around the world. In another related article from the Trumpet the very notion of human rights that all people share is denounced as it protects a suspected terrorist. “Bin Laden’s ‘Right-Hand Man in Europe’ Mocks British Justice February 19, 2009” (Author unknown)

The article rampantly denounces tolerance of human rights “Foreign courts and foreign laws are keeping Britain from dealing with terrorists.” It goes without saying that the terrorism is bad, but to what end are people persecuted without reason? Free thought and free speech are a corner stone of British and US laws, yet the sentiment that those who oppose the general public views do not deserve the same rights as everyone else seems to proliferate almost every political issue seen today. From terrorists to homosexuality, from poverty to wealth, it is all the same prejudice disseminated from commonly shared moral pragmatism in the left wing republican, orthodoxy Christians. This is not to say all Christians are bad, so far as to say that the sentimentality and morals of the commonly accepted Christian values, of which is the basis of older generations that still maintain a state of control in our society, is damning towards those who have opposing moral understandings in social order and culture.

It would seem to me that the elderly, those who claim providence in age, wisdom solely from age, should not be granted their prejudice wits. For it is their bigotry that has guided our country to such turmoil, that we the next generation, shall be gathering the pieces of the puzzled, ruinous, virulent economy and culture for years to come.

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