150 Humans Disappeared Within 1 Minute

150 Humans Disappeared Within 1 Minute Throughout the whole world, people go missing everyday. Some of these cases are solved and fully explained, the victim is found dead or merely alive. Some cases are quite mysterious, which often fails to hold any relevant facts as to what truly happened to the person.

Usually these missing humans are never found but even so, rarely are these cases thoroughly explained. Possibilities of something more powerful, like something supernatural or transportation, are not usually facilely thrown to support each theory.

If someone promptly disappeared in front of your eyes, could it possibly be something of supernatural origin, something so much stronger than us? Definitely possible if you’re one to accept. What if somebody suddenly vanished, or more, what if a group of 150 soldiers suddenly disappeared without a trace? Well, it happened.

This extraordinary yet shocking occurrence happened on August 11th of 1915. The files that this event ever occurred were hidden from public view for almost 50 years until, on 1967, these files were showed. The disappearance happened in Southern Europe, where it is said that over 20 witnesses had all seen the same thing. They claimed to have seen a thick fog engulf the soldiers, who were currently entering a small valley, and when the fog finally dispersed into the skies, all the soldiers had completely disappeared from view. All if said to have occurred in a minute.

A long search was held throughout the year, but luck was not on their side. The soldiers were never found and not one clue was set as to where they could possibly be. A few theories as to why they disappeared were given, and not only to this case but to hundreds of more mysterious disappearances across the world. Jane Lindsett, a professor at the University of California, mentioned that: “Periodically, time and space on Earth refract, and entire cities may find themselves in a different dimension, which sometimes "spits them out". There are scores of such "black holes" on Earth, and people frequently get in them. A decade ago, a 36-year-old Lydia Kimfield, Androver (Texas), disappeared during her visit to the doctor. An hour later her body was found one thousand kilometers away from the city. An autopsy showed that she had died two months earlier!”

In 2001, inside the village of Stumo, Congo, a staff of humanitarians had been traveling towards the village to offer them food supplies, only to find the entire place empty. No villager or animal was found inside or near the village. As the staff explored the village, they found in one of the stone walls, written in charcoal: ”Run! It...”, unfortunately, it was left unfinished.

Whether these disappearances are something supernatural, aliens, or rather ‘black holes’, it is still a mystery and until further explained, something to truly fear.

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