Disney-Pixar Completes Dying Girl's Last Wish

Disney-Pixar Completes Dying Girl's Last Wish For almost all of us who saw Disney-Pixar’s UP, it wasn’t the last movie we’ll see. But for a ten year old girl, Colby Curtin, it wasn’t only the last movie she ever saw, but the one that completed her dying wish.

Colby was diagnosed with vascular cancer in 2005, and was ready to die when two family friends called both Disney and Pixar, and arranged for a private screening in the comfort of Colby’s home. When an employee showed up with the DVD, UP stuffed animals, and an ‘Adventure Book’ from the movie, Colby was ready to die.

The Huntington Beach, California girl saw movie previews in April, and told her mother, “I have to see that movie. It’s so cool.” Over the weekend of June 4th, Colby’s mom asked for a wheelchair to be brought to the house so she’d be able to go to the theater and see it. The wheelchair wasn’t delivered, and by June 9th, Colby was much too ill to go anywhere.

Colby couldn’t even open her eyes for the whole movie, so her mom described the scenes to her. When her mother asked her if she enjoyed the movie, Colby nodded yes. The Pixar employee stayed with the family and friends during the movie, and was sobbing by the end of it.

When the movie ended, the employee took the DVD with him, since the movie is not yet on DVD, but left the stuffed animals and Adventure Book.

Surrounded by friends and family, Colby died later that night.

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