Miracles or Magic? - Comments


    WRITERofTRUTH (850)

    United States
    MK, great article! I am with you 100%, whats new? Ha, anyway, I love the Harry Potter series. I see no harm in reading them for fun, its when you get all caught up in devoting yourself to believeing in things like that and picking up a stick and think you can cast spells and say powerful encantations. If yuo are reading them for fun and just have a good time then thats fine, but otherwise... you have some issues.

    A priest once told me that truly believing it is wrong, but to not believe it and just enjoy the story, movie, etc., is just fine. He also said the church is not entirely against people enjoying the stories, but when they come to denounce the church and try to cast spells then obviously, the church is against it.

    So good article MK and I totally agree with you and the church is behind your views on this topic too, but the radical anti- Harry Potter Catholic groups... well they dont understand.

    July 21st, 2009 at 08:04pm
  • vaporwave

    vaporwave (160)

    [i]And sure, the Wicca religion practices witchcraft, but it was all derived from pre-Christian religions.[/i]

    Citation needed?

    [b]To-Sk8-is-To-LIVE[/b] Funny, I don't remember that part of magick when I was with the Church of Satan.
    July 14th, 2009 at 12:13am
  • A-Decorated-Mess

    A-Decorated-Mess (100)

    Im a Catholic. I praye every night. And i have read the whole Harry Potter series. As you say, everyone conects to god in their own (some may not connect at all), but the way one connects with god can seem close to a certain religion; and then you are classified as a beliver of that religion, that seems, to you, most resonable (this is my theory).

    Another thing, If we didnt sin and disobey the lord, how would we know if we love him? How would we know if we capable of stopping commiting sins (not all of them, for every person can commit a sin with slightest word or movement), and leave a humble life and dedicate our lives to god, if we did not sin?

    Miracles and Margic are related, yet do not go by the exact same deffinition. Miracles are called Miracles, because it may be a grand task that can be performed in a way unknown to us, that is until we find out how the miracles actually happened . While magic can be practised (yes i do belive that one can learn magic). In my opinion (like the satanic church agrees to), that there are two kinds of magic, the good and bad. I just belive (unlike the satanic church) that the good magic, is peformed on behalf of god, while the dark magic is performed with the help of demons and satan.
    July 13th, 2009 at 07:40am
  • MMS1108

    MMS1108 (100)

    United States
    I'm glad someone can understand. I'm a Catholic and I'll admit I've never been into the whole "God, Bible, Church" Stuff. It all seemed weird and kinda stupid to be honest to me. I was raised Catholic and as soon as I can I'm converting to some other religion because I disagree on with the church on too many points to be one for the rest of my life, ecspecially the Harry Potter thing. THEY"RE MY FAVORITE BOOKS IN THE WORLD!! Sorry, had to do that....
    July 13th, 2009 at 04:23am