PETA: Hypocrisy, Corruption and Exploitation - Comments

  • Vegan_Living

    Vegan_Living (100)

    First of all, you claim animal cruelty turns your stomach and yet you're a carnivore. You eat meat that was proccessed in cruel factory farms, therefore you support and participate in animal cruelty.
    Secondly, you find the Holocaust comparisons offensive because the victims were uprooted from their lives, treated as vermin and slaughtered for no crimes commited? How is this different to how the human race treats animals?Animals in factory farms are abused and treated with greater cruelty than the most abominable of human criminals.
    Granted, PETA's methods are rather extreme, but in comparison to the atrocities commited against animals, these means absolutely justify the ends.
    And as for their recruiting methods, I find a KFC or McDonalds addvertisement more offensive, specifically because they conceal the injustice behind their food. McDonalds targets the impressionistic minds of children with their happy meals and toys, what PETA does is no different, except PETA is morally right.
    February 7th, 2010 at 03:55am
  • lozzieee who.

    lozzieee who. (610)

    Great Britain (UK)
    People, do your research.

    You can get [b]the same nutrients[/b] from certain vegetables as from meat. Even my vegan dad knows the way to get his vitamin B without having to resort to vitamins. (Which, by the way, I think is stupid. Eat right and vitamins most likely won't be needed. Except for certain ailments.)

    I hate how some of you Mibbians get so pissed off about a cause that you have to resort to bithcing each other. The writer has a point. A lot of articles on Mibba are opinionated. All forms of writing are biased in someway. It's the backing up with facts that make it justifiable.

    Get off your high horses, you PETA supporters. Just because you're actually in an organization, doesn't mean that:
    A) The rest of us, vegetarian, vegan or not, don't contribute to helping animals;
    B) Your opinion isn't the only one that matters, other people are alive around you;
    C) You have to flip out on everyone that doesn't share your views.

    I [b]liked[/b] this article. So sue me. I read these articles for inspiration, and read the comments for hope of enlightenment of additions for missing points or facts. Reading the previous comments (it took me an hour to read them all, an hour I could have spent writing) upset me, with no actual cause for it.

    No one is better or worse just 'cause they're in a certain organization or not, eat meat or not, wear clothes or not, listen to something or not, or even say something or not. I am no better than you, but in the same way, you are no better than I. Three Four comments in a row.

    BTW, well done for this article, again. I did enjoy reading it, but the arguements the readers created [b]by themselves[/b] made me angry. Should see the funny looks I'm getting at college for the way I'm stamping the keys...

    Anywho. Bye?

    September 17th, 2009 at 05:28pm
  • lozzieee who.

    lozzieee who. (610)

    Great Britain (UK)
    P.S. I thought fur was banned? Fox hunting is in Britian...
    September 17th, 2009 at 04:54pm
  • lozzieee who.

    lozzieee who. (610)

    Great Britain (UK)

    Animals have a central nervous system. Plants don't. There. Justified.
    September 17th, 2009 at 04:52pm
  • lozzieee who.

    lozzieee who. (610)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Testing on animals helpes the human world in immense ways. It is revolutionary when it's for [b]scientific purposes[/b].

    Testing make-up and shampoo isn't right. Cosmetic testing should be banned. Because things that are sensitive to eyes and skin don't work anyway.

    I don't like PETA. Not really. Never been totally fond of it. Prefer RSPCA. They don't push vegetarianism on the public (most of which are generally nice and reasonable people!) and they save animals. Though I haven't looked into it... How do I know they don't put animals down? Probably do if they're sick enough...

    I'll shut up now. I just like commenting on articles like this because I'm vegetarian and I like to see the pros and cons and how the authors take into account that not everyone would become vege, that in fact few people would give up meat for the sake of a few brutal pictures.

    Good article, but I think you went just a little bit nuts...
    September 17th, 2009 at 04:52pm
  • loverdearest.

    loverdearest. (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I dont know why theyre pressurising people to be vegetarian/vegan to be honest. Eating animals is part of human nature, it's a little thing called the food chain. Are they going to stop animals eating other animals because its cruel? People need nutrients that are only found in meat. Providing supplements for these nutrients and vitamins also causes problems for animals, with their habitats being destroyed to make room for the factories used in making these products. Also, with every factory comes pollution, which is in itself endangering animals.

    Also, if everyone stopped killing animals for various reasons, the planet would be overrun and we wont be able to do anything about it. All the crops we would live off with be destroyed by the animals. Yes, i disagree on killing animals but sometimes you have to .

    I think i'll leave it at that for now, and if you disagree with anything i have just said message me.
    August 30th, 2009 at 09:29pm
  • Bast

    Bast (300)

    United States
    "I consider animal abuse to be incredibly cruel."

    That's redundant, cruelty IS animal abuse.

    Anyway, I have no qualms about the cause. Exploitation is, in a sense, immoral. PETA, and other organizations, have come close to eliminating certain practices that have been proven to be cruel. They're not making things up when they say that animal testing isn't reliable, or when they say that the Ringling Bros. abuse elephants. I certainly don’t object to their campaigns against, say, rodeos, or the “running of the bulls.” Those things are well-publicized; they’re stupid, dangerous sports, and PETA is right to oppose them.

    I DO have a problem with them euthanizing so many animals, and churning out propaganda like "Your Mommy Kills Animals." I thought the Holocaust campaign was going too far. They tend to make big deals out of things and not let go of them. The nude women are also objectionable, but I’m not sure why you’re slamming them for using Fall Out Boy and such to advertise their cause. Celebrity endorsement is used everywhere. Politicians do it, restaurants do it... PETA is just finding vegetarian/vegan celebrities and getting them to do ads for their site.
    August 6th, 2009 at 10:24pm
  • Farce.

    Farce. (100)

    United States
    You are so right. My friends are drawn into the movement and we even got in a fight about it! Peta sucks! They don't care at all. It sickens me.
    July 27th, 2009 at 01:57am
  • Skela_chibi

    Skela_chibi (100)

    Puerto Rico
    i remenber that in my twitter peta say that feeding meat 2 da kid is murder i was like wtf i only eat white meat of curse we need 2 eat protein right?!....of curse that does it make me a bad person i luv animals i have 1 dog 1 bunny 1 cat and 2 horse but i think peta is getting 2 far with da kid from 1grade cuz then they lear violence such a young age but sometime they tell lie im pretty sure abaut that i luv animals even i wish i can have a baby panda and name it chungkee from skelanimas...
    July 27th, 2009 at 12:32am
  • fool's paradise

    fool's paradise (1000)

    United States
    [I]Oh, just one thing: When you were talking about the African slaves, they weren't kidnapped. They were the losers of the tribal wars that were sold to the Europeans by their victors.[/I]

    Yes, but it's not as if they totally agreed to being sold. The tribe that made the agreement with the Europeans would pillage the village (whoah, rhyme!) and bring the citizens by force to be sold into slavery. I consider that kidnapping.
    July 26th, 2009 at 05:25pm
  • SuperGeek

    SuperGeek (350)

    United States
    Nice article. : )

    I liked how you took an opinion and backed it up. You didn't say, "PETA sucks, believe me now!" You said, "PETA's corrupt, and here's why . . ." Always a good idea to have backup examples.

    Just the fact that they compared chickens to the Holocaust victims is enough to make me mad. Throwing 'fake' blood on people, throwing rocks through windows, telling Ben&Jerry's they need to use human milk instead of cow---it's time for the radicals to be charged with terrorism.

    With you 100% on the omnivore (we're biologically MADE to eat everything) against animal cruelty, and that some animal testing is necessary.

    Oh, just one thing: When you were talking about the African slaves, they weren't kidnapped. They were the losers of the tribal wars that were sold to the Europeans by their victors.
    July 26th, 2009 at 06:56am
  • Bugggaaa.

    Bugggaaa. (100)

    United States
    I liked the article. PETA does do wrong things and I do view some of the people to be hypocrites. Some people really care about the animals but I think it's not fair when someone too extreme gives a wrong vision to the organization. I say that if you really do care then you should just peaceful protest because violence makes you no better then the enemy.
    July 24th, 2009 at 05:45am
  • ghosthorse

    ghosthorse (100)

    United States
    A couple years ago I attended a Taste of Chaos concert, and while browsing around I saw they had a PETA booth up. We went on by, and the guy there was real nice. He gave us these little baggies of goods, and asked for our email adresses (I never got anything from PETA). They had this video playing on the booth's television, the same dvd in the goody bag, about KFC's treatment of chickens. I checked the website out, and decided it wasn't for me, but I do keep the NO KFC button.

    I also still have the flier they gave me: Colonel Sanders soiled with the blood of live chickens, weilding a butcher's knife and the head of a chicken... PETA made me barf and totally put me off fried chicken for years. That's how they do it.

    I'm all for animal rights. I love animals; I'm a proud sister to three cats and two dogs, and loved two other cats and two other dogs before. I eat meat, yes, but it doesn't make me a bad person. Being an animal rights activist and vegan/vegetarian doesn't make anyone else a bad person. But there are times and places to be violent, and PETA doesn't have great timing. If the government ever decided to euthanize all abandoned or stray animals, maybe I'd side with PETA, but not until then.

    And Pamela Anderson is everything but natural beauty.
    July 23rd, 2009 at 07:14pm
  • fool's paradise

    fool's paradise (1000)

    United States
    [I]Next time, you should post something that's related to your opinions in an article. I mean articles are supposed to be embodied in FACTS. This is a mixture of your thoughts and other's as well. Next time post something like this in your journal or do some hardcore digging and better journalism if you really want to uncover the facts about PETA our community withholds.[/I]

    There are tons of opinionated articles on Mibba. Abortion ones, gay marriage ones. So they're allowed to be published but not mine? I do use facts, to support my opinion. No, I didn't cite them because, honestly, I hate citing things. It disrupts the flow. But I assure you, I did research. You can take a fact from my article and research it and you'll find information on what I said.

    [I]It shows that these women are trying to catch the male attention and proclaim that wearing Fur is not needed.[/I]

    Ah, so you consider it okay to completely throw Women's Lib out the window and exploit women's bodies, just to stop wearing fur? No, that's not okay. There are so many other ways an organization can get positive attention without exploitation. Women fought long and hard to try to gain independence, to be taken serious as much as a man is, only to get it thrown away for people to stop wearing fur.

    [I]As for their advertisements, ANIMALS ARE BEING KILLED. Realize it. Take it in. Soak it all up. It's reality. My father's killed an animal. Hell, so has my cousin. But they had there reasons. [/I]

    According to you, no. They don't have an excuse. And do you think the fact that animals are being killed deems into ALRIGHT to compare them to victims of the Holocaust? Emotionally, there is no comparison. How would you feel if you had had first hand experience with living in a concentration camp, seeing loved ones die and working every day to the bone, being abused and called vermin. Then you see all of your agony and tears compared to chickens in a cage.

    [I]As for the blood throwing and the smashed windows, I mean come on! If that's what PETA did what the hell did their enemies do to them? Have you pondered on that?[/I]

    I wasn't able to find any information about enemies of PETA, so that'll be difficult to ponder. Honestly, I think most people intelligent enough to oppose PETA don't use violence to bash them, they use their words, like I did. [I]The Pen Is Mightier Than the Sword[/I], is it not?
    July 23rd, 2009 at 06:28pm
  • Maxxie?

    Maxxie? (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I'm totally with [b]Bitch;;[/b]
    This is my last post now for final
    This is a bit too absurd for me
    I like my facts
    And I don't like this as an article
    Journal yes.
    Goodbye people.

    I love you Trish <3 x
    July 23rd, 2009 at 10:16am
  • Color My World

    Color My World (100)

    United States
    I still can't get over it.

    Next time, you should post something that's related to your opinions in an article. I mean articles are supposed to be embodied in FACTS. This is a mixture of your thoughts and other's as well. Next time post something like this in your journal or do some hardcore digging and better journalism if you really want to uncover the facts about PETA our community withholds.
    July 23rd, 2009 at 04:19am
  • Color My World

    Color My World (100)

    United States
    Another issue: The Women who are naked.
    It's another issue to catch my eyes. It's called advertisement. It's supposed to catch people's attention. For you to recognize it as well, my judgement stately claims that you've caught that example as well. It shows that these women are trying to catch the male attention and proclaim that wearing Fur is not needed. What would you rather choose, a women wearing all fur? or a women wearing nothing?
    Sure clothing is necessary but those advertisements are trying to state something, that they rather be naked than where fur or from any designer that has made clothing FROM fur.
    As for your article, I think it should have been stated as one of your journals because clearly this embodies your personal opinion on PETA.
    July 23rd, 2009 at 03:06am
  • Color My World

    Color My World (100)

    United States
    I am not going to even look beyond the comments below because all I care for is my voice at the moment and what your article is proposing.

    So there maybe peices where you have done your research about how PETA does this cruelty but how do you know for a fact that this is really the group they're embodied in? I mean, there are designers whom have the desire to shut PETA down to sell their products and they'll do anything to achieve their own greedy hunger for cash. PETA maybe indeed be framed.
    As for their advertisements, ANIMALS ARE BEING KILLED. Realize it. Take it in. Soak it all up. It's reality. My father's killed an animal. Hell, so has my cousin. But they had there reasons.
    But to say PETA isn't liberated? Come on. Where are your facts? Where are your cited information? How do you know that the information you hold and have published here on mibba is not correct? You need to get your facts straight and your information checked out before you post something like this. I am deeply hurt that you accuse PETA of a bad name. Their soul purpose is to help animals. If your an animal lover, how can you say that the People who are trying are bad? You can't judge someone off another's opinions.
    As for the blood throwing and the smashed windows, I mean come on! If that's what PETA did what the hell did their enemies do to them? Have you pondered on that?
    July 23rd, 2009 at 03:00am
  • the sea

    the sea (100)

    United States
    Excellent article :)

    Unfortunately, I was one of those confused (or stupid...) teens PETA managed to take advantage of. Now I feel like they own my soul! They call my house, send me letters by mail, pester me almost daily with emails...ah! I'm all for animal rights, sure, but I don't think PETA goes about it in the right way.
    Please excuse me while I change my adress and phone number :)
    July 22nd, 2009 at 09:20pm
  • fool's paradise

    fool's paradise (1000)

    United States
    [I]Um, well, this paragaph kind of made me mad. That IS what we do to animals. They are uprooted from their homes, and they're considered a profit. Not something that can feel pain. It's actually a lot like the Holocaust, but on a much bigger scale.[/I]

    Most animals used for human benefit for raised for domestic/farming use. You don't go out in the wild hunting baby chicks, you'd most likely buy them at a farming goods/livestock outlet. These animals were raised into their situation, not ripped from their homes and forced into it.
    July 22nd, 2009 at 04:31pm