PETA: Hypocrisy, Corruption and Exploitation - Comments

  • This is my third comment, how sad am I?

    But anyways,
    I'd just like to point out that maybe this isn't all PETA
    Like, PETA have so many enemies
    Such as Harrods
    Obviously, because of fur
    How can your trust all the things you find on the internet if all PETA?
    PETA haters will do anything to get them shut down, so that their sales will go up again.
    Don't underestimate greedy corporate machines.

    Hopefully this will be my last post
    This whole thing is upsetting me now
    July 22nd, 2009 at 02:42pm
  • [b]TristSaysSTFU:[/b]

    Animals don't have 'homes' or families as we understand them. You're personifying them.

    The attention that PETA raise is bad attention and is more likely to put people off supporting animal rights.

    The Holocaust is NOTHING like animal exploitation. The difference is vast and quivering and I think it is a highly inappropiate message to use.
    July 22nd, 2009 at 01:17pm
  • "Holocaust was mercilessly torn from their homes and uprooted from their lives, blamed for the problems of Germany and regarded as vermin and scapegoats. Similarly, the slaves shipped to America were kidnapped from their communities and homes, and separated from their families to incessantly labor for years on a greedy man’s plantation."
    Um, well, this paragaph kind of made me mad. That IS what we do to animals. They are uprooted from their homes, and they're considered a profit. Not something that can feel pain. It's actually a lot like the Holocaust, but on a much bigger scale.
    And as for the slaves. What about horses taken from the wild? They lose their home, everything they've ever known, their herds, their freedom and will, and sometimes, even life. How is that so different from slaves? They can be forced into breaking their will or they can be sent to slaughter.
    And all this is because humans are greedy and don't care if it's not them.
    It doesn't hurt less just because they're not human, and it's narrow-minded of you to imply that it does.
    This only tells one side of the story and is alot of what you think. It shouldn't be an article.
    Oh, and any kind of attention brought to the cause is a good kind, because sometimes people need to be shocked into action. In the end, it's all working for a goal that is morally right: animal liberation.
    July 22nd, 2009 at 01:04pm


    I support animal rights and I am against animal cruelty but PETA are just crap. Crap on a stick.

    You want to do something for animals, do it legally. Do it subtly. Do it locally.
    July 22nd, 2009 at 11:47am
  • [b]To Geroge harrison-[/b]

    Stick thin huh? Like i said, google PETA fur ad's and not just women come up, they also have one with Steve-O. But since he's a male I gusse that's ok, wouldn't it?

    There is nothing wrong with showing the skin god gave you! The modles arn't even showing their stuff, so how is it sexual? And beautiful or not, it's still natural. The first humans on earth didn't ware clothes right away, dose that make them sluts?
    July 22nd, 2009 at 11:27am
  • If all of this is completely true, then kudos for alerting people to such hideous abuse of people and animals alike.
    But how biased the article seems, how it is agreeing with one side utterly and includes many many examples that have the PETA look perfectly monstrous... I find it hard to believe that they don't do ANYTHING worthwhile, or have members that actually do want to help animals without being brainwashed by the cult-ness that you mentioned.

    Honestly the article is just too unbalanced for me to have faith in without further research of my own.
    July 22nd, 2009 at 09:43am
  • You can get your point across without violence. To put it bluntly, to me PETA are just terrorists under the facade of fighting for animal rights.
    July 22nd, 2009 at 09:41am
  • I think PETA has the right intentions
    I know lots of people are saying that they actions are severe and dramatic, and that they put Vegans and or Vegetarians in a bad light, and I understand where you're coming from.
    But PETA are there merely to treat animals right, and although some do take it to the extreme, other like myself just help with advertising PETA and joining in on organized events.
    PETA is just like a lot of companies or whatever.
    Take the RSPCA for instance, people have complained many times of them barging into their houses with no evidence of abuse, and this is in fact against their rules, unless they have hard evidence, they cannot knock someone's door down and tear apart their houses, but some do, because they're passionate.
    So I wouldn't point the finger at PETA for doing that too, just because they do it publicly.

    I'm not a veggi or a vegan, but I am strict when I only eat halal meat, though I'm not religious. But the media has also portrayed them as cooks, the stereotype!
    The pacifist vegan, the tree-hugger hippie.
    This is just breaking the stereotype that all non meat eaters will step back in a fight and say 'Think of your happy place'
    (Something I do in fights :P )
    Because once again, you can not generalize every PETA supporter as a violent hypocrite, nor a gentle hippie.
    Everyone has their own view and opinion, and is entitled to it.

    Just to say, this comment wasn't meant in any offense if it has caused it, it's just my view and backup for PETA.

    Ps. The writing skills were good :D
    July 22nd, 2009 at 09:40am
  • I agree with this article 100%
    I loved how it was written in a complete bias opinion (or at least i think so), because I'm a vegetarian and couldn't agree with this any more.

    It greatly informed people about what PETA actually does & was well-written

    Props, amiga (:
    July 22nd, 2009 at 07:36am
  • Okay, I agree PETA makes all vegetarian/vegans look like total nut cases...
    however, they're just trying to get the word across, clearly with un-necessary angst.

    They shouldn't force their beliefs onto other people that way..
    I know it's annoying when people give me crap for being a vegan,
    leave the people beee.

    Interesting article though.

    July 22nd, 2009 at 07:27am
  • I agree
    I love how much effort they out into recruiting people through propoganda, terrorizing those who don't believe the same things as them and protesting/destroying companys that sell products that go against what they believe (which happens to remind me very much of a certain political group....) and how little effort they put into actually helping animals. You know they've got money for how big of an organization they are, and yet they have one animal shelter. Like you said, they euthanize most of their animals they 'save' because they don't have room in their ONE animal shelter.
    July 22nd, 2009 at 06:50am
  • I agree completely. I support animal rights although I'm a meat eater. I'm against animal abuse, I'm against animal testing, but I just don't like how PETA handles everything. And their whole "Go Veg" thing is okay, but you know if someone said "Go Meat" there'd be a whole controversity.
    July 22nd, 2009 at 06:36am
  • I say a bumper sticker the other day that said PETA: People Eating Tasty Animals
    It made my day :) the article was great by the way.
    July 22nd, 2009 at 05:04am
  • Even though I believe in animal rights, I thought this was a rather great article. I like some of the things PETA does, but others are just insanity. They've done quite a lot, though, for animal rights, with the exception of their euthanasia rate. They defended themselves in their blog a while ago and said that they only get the ones that are in horrific situations, but I'm not completely sure if I should believe them or not.
    July 22nd, 2009 at 05:01am
  • PETA's main tactic is scaremongering, it seems to me.
    I agree with this article completely.
    July 22nd, 2009 at 04:20am
  • [I]You have your points but putting all the blame on PETA is just as wrong as they are in doing some of those things.[/I]

    The article is [I]about[/I] PETA. Of course there are other violent organizations, like Animal Liberation front, but PETA is my main focus because it's so popular and use exploitation.

    [I]I live in cattle country and am rejected from certain groups because of my personal choices, by people like you who think my beliefs are lies.[/I]

    Apparently you didn't properly read my article; I started it by saying that I do not support animal cruelty, and I think there is nothing wrong with vegetarianism. I'd try to be one myself if I didn't like meat so much. Seeing as you have never even met me, do not ever try to imply that I would reject someone for 'thinking their beliefs are lies'. I am insulted that you would even try to say that of me. I am condemning the organization's actions because I think it is WRONG, not vegetarianism. I would not reject someone for being a member of PETA. I would disagree with them, but I would not reject them. That is petty, and the fact you even implied that sickens me.
    July 22nd, 2009 at 04:19am
  • Thank you for this. I completely agree.
    July 22nd, 2009 at 03:55am
  • I agree with you 100%.
    Nice article.
    July 22nd, 2009 at 03:39am
  • I think I speak for simply myself and my small group of friends who recently joined PETA when I say we joined because we truly believe and not simply because of persuasion and advertisements. I'm a vegetarian by my own choice and i believe that PETA , no matter how ' wrong, corrupt, and hypocritical' is something that means the world to those who are pushed out of social groups for being all for animal liberation, vegetarianism, and anti-fur movements. We made our choices and didn't have to be 'roped in.' You have your points but putting all the blame on PETA is just as wrong as they are in doing some of those things. I live in cattle country and am rejected from certain groups because of my personal choices, by people like you who think my beliefs are lies.
    July 22nd, 2009 at 03:39am
  • I'd just like to say this: Obviously my article is biased. I'm arguing an [I]opinion[/I] of mine. When you argue an opinion, you provide examples to back it up. Seeing as my opinion was that I think PETA is corrupt, I used examples of their corruption.
    July 22nd, 2009 at 03:09am