Colleen Moore's Fairy Castle

Colleen Moore's Fairy Castle Silent film star Colleen Moore had this extravagant miniature house built in the 1930's and donated it in 1949. Old right? Inside of the house include paintings and murals drawn by none other than THE Walt Disney. There are chandeliers studded with real diamonds, pearls, and emeralds and also the tiniest bible ever to be written, going back to 1840. There are also statues that are over 2,000 years old!

The house actually began in 1928 when Colleen Moore called for professionals to help her build it. Horace Jackson, an architect and set designer working in First National Studios, basic idea for the house was "the architecture must have no sense of reality. We must invent a structure that is everybody's conception of an enchanted castle." Harold Grieve, an art director and interior designer helped design, naturally since he also designed the interior of Moore's own mansion.

Over 700 people had helped to build the house by 1935. This included surgical instrument lighting specialists, Beverly Hills jewelers and Chinese jade craftsmen. The palace was 8'7" x 8'2" x 7'7" foot. There were over 2,000 miniatures, that went from furniture to decorations. It cost nearly $500,000!

What's even more interesting is that everything, house and all, can be broken down into 200 pieces that can fit into the drawers of specially designed shipping crates. The rooms are all actually modular units.

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