Wife Murdered Following Online Affair

Wife Murdered Following Online Affair A jury was told that Mr Dogan found his wife wearing make up and revealing [unspecified] flesh on the internet via a webcam, before pleading and begging forgiveness.

Strain was already within the couple after Kemal’s infertility was discovered, after their 1997 marriage, but further strain was added when there was evidence linking Mrs Dogan to a relationship over the internet with another, unnamed, man from their native Turkey.

Prosecutor, Brian O’Neill, has been quoted to say: ”The defendant became aware of this on the night and that the factor seems to have been the direct cause of the fatal stabbing.”.

Also continuing to say: ”The prosecution submits that this is clear case of murder by a jealous and angry husband as a result of his wife’s perceived infidelity.”

Meanwhile, Mr Dogan, the kebab shop manager, maintains the story that he was suffering from clinical depression at the time of the murder. Denying his wife’s murder in December of 2005 on the grounds of diminished responsibility.

On the night of the murder, the couple made their way home, where the court was told that Mr Dogan told his wife that her ‘battery was finished’ and that her life was at an end.

On arriving home, visitors were present for the watching of a family wedding video, but no more than 20 minutes after their departure, Mrs Dogan was dead.

The trial, 2 years after the murder was committed, continues.

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