Deciphering The Anthropic Principle - Comments

  • XtomJames

    XtomJames (300)

    United States
    A very interesting, if not a little blase, article. On the matter of the "goldilock" aspect.

    The conducive reasoning to understanding that which is out of reach for us to measure and test is metaphysics (not as in religion mind you). It would seem to me, that he very nature of our universe is unknown to us, even with the level of comprehension we have of physics and mechanics that we do today. Only metaphysics can give us an idea of what is there, ready to be discovered.

    Consider, on the matter of origin, that we have a "universe" (simplified to verse from here on in) that contains our galaxies and stars. This verse is anti-thetic to another verse, that is parallel. No imagine that each of these "verses" have more and more parallels. An infinite number of them. This, is super string theory in a very simplified form. Now, take that infinite number of "verses" and fractalize them, then go a step further, and put them into a cline bottle of sorts. This gives us what is Fractalized Universal Expansion in Time. This can be used to explain quite a bit that "god" is used to explain right now. Creation is a function of anti-space, or energy. Energy requires no creator as it can be instantaneous. In a quantum based universe the laws of conservation of energy fly out the window. The balancing act or "goldilock" conundrum. well that goes out the window too. It is all based on fractalized spacing of time. Variable ratios all measured on a fractalized counter of universes. Which can be explained through Null mathematics.

    I won't go into the math its too extensive, but I'll give a sort of confusing puzzle for you to ponder. 0/0=1
    March 2nd, 2009 at 07:01am
  • the-only-girl

    the-only-girl (100)

    Great Britain (UK)

    It doesn't matter what religion you are, if you beleive that a supernatural being created the world and you belive in Jesus or Jabriel or Hanuman or whatever you're wrong.

    There is no such thing as heaven, hell, god, unicorns or mermaids.

    Accept it.

    Where's Noah Ark? How did he manage to fit 2 of EVERY SINGLE animal on that boat which him and his sons built. Do you know how many species of animal there are?! Fucking billion trillions!

    And everyone known Jesus DID exist but he wasn't a son of God, he was a follower himself for pete's sake. (John the Baptist)

    Hinduism is just the craziest, I should know, I'm hindu. Blue people. A woman with six arms. Talking monkeys. I won't even go into it.

    Islam. Which is actually a lot like Christianity. Christianity/Islam sprouted from the same place and spread, changing it a bit.

    If God created the world, who made the other worlds? And if God made them, why hasn't this shown up in any religious books?

    Wasn't Jesus meant to come back in 2000? Where is he?

    All in all, all religions preaching about prophets and god are full of complete you know what.

    It was made so that man wouldn't be scared of dying. They thought 'Hey, don't wory when we die.....we go to heaven, a real swell place! We get reborn, so chillax! yadda yadda yadda..."

    It then escalated.

    Get my drift?

    Note: This rant is not offensive in any way. If you have been offended I'm deeply sorry that I expressed my opinions and you read them.
    September 1st, 2008 at 07:29pm
  • Reggae Hit LA

    Reggae Hit LA (250)

    only when Christianity takes into account years of science and logic and stops with their religious dipshittery will it win my respect as a modern religion
    July 4th, 2008 at 01:45am
  • Iago-Disco

    Iago-Disco (300)

    brilliant article, in reply to a ridiculous article and although yours was published on Mibba, and the other in a national newspaper (although Mibba is arguably the better medium) yours is the one that speaks with logic, intelligence and above all, integrity.
    One thing you didn't include, or at least didn't include in full, was the idea that we exist (singularly or as part of yet-undiscovered life) within the rules of the universe, not because of them. Perhaps a better way of putting it would be to say, perhaps life (or something similiar in some way) would exist regardless of the Goldilocks zone and the laws of physics. We exist as part of the universe, and as far as we know, life would exist in every single conceivable universe within [i]its[/i] rules.
    February 15th, 2008 at 09:40am