iSlate - New Gadget From The Apple Workshop

iSlate - New Gadget From The Apple Workshop New year, new products! iPod, iPhone and in a couple of weeks - iSlate. On January 26, Apple is set to launch a new toy; known as the iSlate. The latest gadget is a cross between a laptop and an iPhone; shortly, a touch screen computer, experts presume, since the details on the newest toy are kept secret.

If the industry experts are right, the iSlate might be a revolutionary point; a potential end for the mouse and the keyboard system.

Kai-Fu Lee, former Google China President provided some information via his Twitter:

"The Apple Tablet looks like a bigger iPhone that sports an awesome UI packed in a beautiful 10.1-inch screen. The tablet combines the functions of both netbook and kindle, an ebook reader. It has virtual keyboard for text entry and a webcam for video conferencing."

Lee also says that the new gadget, referred to as the "tablet", is expected to be sold for less than $1,000, while around 10 million devices will be sold.

Even though Steve Jobs, just like Apple, keeps his mouth closed tight, speculations about the iSlate have made the shares rise 145% this year. An "insider's" statement for the New York Times made the speculations even more convincing:

"Let's just say Steve is extremely happy about the new tablet."

The iPod changed the way we listen to music; iPhone changed the world of mobile phones. Will the iSlate follow their way?

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