Child Abuse

Child Abuse Every day a child is abused. More than “a” child is abused, thousands of children are abused and barely anyone does anything about it. Of course there are people out there that do try and save these children from these abusive families but usually don’t get to fully achieve what they invest their time in. Most children feel that abuse is the only way their parents acknowledge that they even exist so they don’t bother to tell anyone about it, others know that they could have better lives so they call certain help lines and try to get out. For those who don’t tell they are stuck in their abused worlds with no way to fully live life.

Though there are several types of abuse (sexual, physical, mental/emotion) most people are uneducated as to what make these types of abuse. Of course they know that physical can fall under sexual easily; they are two completely different types of abuse. Physical is any form of abusive related movements. This could include beating a child until they have whelps on the abused body or even end up with deep cuts or black eyes. Sexual, however, only includes when a parent lays their hand(s) on their child as though they were lovers. Most sexual abusers are male parents/guardians, even though some can be the female. Sexual doesn’t always include rape though, it could be molesting and most abusers were abused as children themselves.

Mental/emotional is the most common out of all the different types. A parent can call their child “stupid” or maybe even an “idiot” and it falls under the category of mental/emotional. All though people would say if your child is a teenager and you call them stupid that the child is more likely to think it is a joke but in reality it is really a form of abuse. If the parent continually says that the child is stupid eventually the child/teenager might believe that this is true, making it abuse.

Abuse happens in our world everyday and we can only prevent it through becoming further aware of how it happens and how it can be prevent. For those wanting to learn for there are web sites and several contacts that you can find on the internet. For those who are abused you are recommended to get help and find a safer place to live. Even though life is tough we must try to put an end to child abuse or at least make us more aware of the situation on hand.

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