Being Fired - Over Facebook

Being Fired - Over Facebook Chelsea Taylor, aged 16, worked part time at Cookies cafe in Leigh, Greater Manchester, and after apparently losing £10 whilst working one afternoon, she was let go from her job.

She logged onto her Facebook account to find a message from her boss on her wall - for all of her friends and family to read, possibly before she got to it first. The message read: "I had to tell the owner bout u losin that tenner coz obviously the till was down at the end of day. she wasn't very pleased at all and despite me trying to persuade her otherwise she said I have to let u go. I'm really sorry."

Her boss claimed to have tried to contact Chelsea through phone, but was apparently unable to reach her - which is why she resorted to leaving a Facebook message.

Many would think that first the boss would have tried other ways of contact - perhaps leaving an answerphone message, a private email or even an old-fashioned letter through the mail. Having it publicly announced that you have lost your job - especially in those circumstances - cannot be a pleasant experience, and many would say it is very unfair.

It can also be seen as a very unprofessional approach, due to the spelling mistakes, the casual attitude and the fact it was sent on a social networking site.

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