Will We Be Able To Live Up To 1,000 Years?

Will We Be Able To Live Up To 1,000 Years? A Cambridge professor has today, made shocking claims that people will soon be living to 1,000 years old. In a recent study he has claimed that he can, slow down the aging process, and in effect, make people live longer. Undoubtedly not all people will have the ability to live to 1,000. As people will still die of Cancers, Car accidents and natural disasters.

Dr. Aubrey de Grey believes that with medicine becoming more and more powerful, all the time. That he will inevitably be able to address the aging process. And help slow it down. With this outburst many questions have been raised.

Should we "cure" aging?

Dr Aubrey de Grey says:

"Curing aging will change society in innumerable ways. Some people are so scared of this that they think we should accept aging as it is.

I think that is diabolical - it says we should deny people the right to life.

The right to choose to live or to die is the most fundamental right there is; conversely, the duty to give others that opportunity to the best of our ability is the most fundamental duty there is.

There is no difference between saving lives and extending lives, because in both cases we are giving people the chance of more life. To say that we shouldn't cure aging is ageism, saying that old people are unworthy of medical care. "

Playing God?

Many feel Aubrey is trying to adopt a God-like role. And feel that by extending the life span of people that, undoubtedly at some point, Everyone will just become terribly bored. He feels that we will have the resources to improve everyone's ability to get the most out of life.

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