Cinco De Mayo

Cinco De Mayo Live Oak high school asked five students to leave who were wearing American Flag t-shirts. They were asked to turn them inside out, or take them off. They involved their parents as well. The reasons? They believed it would incite hate, and it was 'wrong' to be 'patriotic.'
The whole idea is absolutely and completely wrong. What happened two days ago is all over the newspaper, television, talk radio, and internet. People are fighting from both sides on this topic, arguing whether or not what happened was just, or just ridiculous. Students at Live Oak equally responded in their own way, the Mexican students choosing to lead the Mexican flag around the neighborhood [or from another school close by], with the police following behind carefully for protection.

For some reason, I keep forgetting what country I live in.

America was created for equal opportunity. Everyone here is really originally from somewhere else, let it England, Africa, or Timbuktu. With the Revolutionary War in the 1700's came true patriotism. Tories against the Yankees, pretty much. [Please tell me you know the difference] George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams- these men along with the other Founding Fathers did not fight for freedom to see this happening today. This tiny example that's been blown up into something big.

Listening to the radio a day or so ago, my dad [who's very much into such news, and is earning his Masters in Political Science] was listening to people's opinions on how everything went. There was a Mexican- who went through the legal process and is now a full-fledged American Citizen- who said that we Americans celebrate this holiday much more than they do. They don't really do anything about it. That, and he mentioned that it is illegal for people to wear the Mexican Flag in their country.

Look at it logically now with proof. Hopefully, you will see what I see: people are making an act of injust racism, and whining as usual. It's like the colored people who want legal reparations for their slave ancestors- do they have proof, legal documents? NO.
And since when is it against school code NOT to wear a patriotic shirt? Isn't that practically against not just our first ammendment, but against patriotism, against what America is supposed to stand for?

When people wear Mexican styled clothing on Independence Day, what happens?
Oh, right. Nothing.

This entire debate shouldn't even have to be brought up, it's that ridiculous. It's not even their Independence Day. What is the holiday supposed to stand for? In English, it's 'Fifth Of May'. Woooow. I asked my Mexican/Spanish/Hispanic friends about it's meaning or at least it's purpose. NO ONE KNEW. Nor did they care.

I do mention Blacks, Mexicans, and the like. Am I being racist? I wouldn't be surprised if someone 'calls me out on it.' I mean, I'm white. I'm as white as you can get. Most of my ancestors are Danish, Dutch, or English. But what does it matter? I honestly believe that color doesn't matter. If I were from Africa, I wouldn't care about this either.

Really, no matter what, 'racism' is there. We have to distinguish our colors. People get offended either way- if we DO or even if we DON'T notice their colors. But we are the same here. If a colored person is smarter than me, cheers to that. If they're stupider, then it's not my fault. It goes for other caucasian people as well. Racism can be taken in a bad way, as it has through history- degrading them because of the skin color. My term of Racism shifts to merely distinguishing them.

'Colored' and 'White' people are all different. Backgrounds, languages, history.... we're all purposely different from each other. Big deal.

Is there something to be gotten out from this? From what happened on the legendary Cinco De Mayo? It shows five American students who wanted to show their patriotism. And it shows people complaining about it.

This isn't the only school, though. Other high schools around Live Oak received students that morning wearing colors of each nation- and let it through peacefully. Some were fine, some weren't. Mexicans were cursing Whites in Spanish. Is that cool? No. Sneaky? Not really. What's the point?

Public schools. Psh. They didn't want to incite rebellion or fights. Parents were getting into this mess, driving around with signs to fire the principle or demand their national respect. But why should I respect someone like that? When they EARN it, I will consider it. But demanding respect is very much an oxymoron on my eyes.

I do NOT have to 'respect' another Nation's holiday. Does Great Britain celebrate Thanksgiving? No. I personally don't know any other country's Independence holidays or the like. I don't even understand Jewish Hanneukuh. Is it thus offense to wear Santa hats when others don't believe in him? Is it wrong to sing 'Merry Christmas' in the streets where others may be of some other religion or whatever?

Last I checked, I live in America. I have the freedom to express myself. I refuse to be shut down because someone- who doesn't care about my personal freedom that so symbolizes my country- is fussing at me.

*** Much of this information can be searched at [which changes every few hours there's so much crazy stuff in our country]

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