Students To Act Like Illegal Immigrants - Comments

  • Momma Danger.

    Momma Danger. (150)

    United States
    I think that it's just a project. I mean, so WHAT the teacher was showing them something illegal. Empathy is not a sin.
    February 5th, 2009 at 07:23am
  • TheLondonCuppa

    TheLondonCuppa (100)

    United States
    Niiice. I wish my teachers did stuff like that. Instead we have to make non-motorized go-karts with people we don't like.
    May 29th, 2008 at 11:55pm
  • handwritten

    handwritten (100)

    United States
    I agree 100% with Kyra. Well put.
    May 6th, 2008 at 08:45pm
  • GnomeGiggler

    GnomeGiggler (100)

    United States
    Dude, thats kind of cool.
    I wish my Spanish teacher had done something like that!
    May 3rd, 2008 at 05:03pm
  • Leonore Paisley

    Leonore Paisley (200)

    United States
    Psh. I think it's a cool assignment.
    April 9th, 2008 at 03:28am
  • Kyra

    Kyra (100)

    United States
    I spoke with my uncle's wife about the immigration process since she had to go through it too, and all it was was paperwork. The only thing for a health check was a stop at the doctor's office. Things aren't exactly the way they were way back when. Things change throughout time.

    The legal way is expensive and a little bit stupid, I will agree on that. But that doesn't mean we should just remove the border between us and other foreign countries especially while we're in the middle of a fucking WAR (more like a jihad we're babysitting, but that's a different story). Just because our alleged enemies are not in Mexico (though I think they secretly are, but once again, that's another story) does not mean that they are simply here to work jobs that "Americans won't do", which is utter bullshit. In regards to food crops, there were numerous cases where illegals immigrating here were throwing diapers full of shit on top of American farmers' crops. They trash the fucking place!

    ANYWAYS, back to my point. You do not know who is crossing that border. Regardless of the generalized intentions you all want to speak about, there is still a major risk being taken. It's true that a lot of people (not all as many are ASSHOLES) want people to be helped, as do I, but that does not mean we need to throw the entire 3rd world population to make our country 3rd world too. How the fuck do you expect us all to help other countries if hospitals are fucking shutting down in California because of the amount of illegal pregnancies (for birthright citizenship) and gunshot wounds flooding the place for free?!

    Once again, we are at war. There is no sense in making the country open to ANYONE to illegally cross while facing battle. You're supposed to fucking PROTECT the country not surrender it!

    If you were to get raped, robbed, etc. etc. by an illegal, there'd be nothing you can do about it if they crossed back over the border in time. So you all need to realize that there is much more to it than the "big fat redneck" (as quoted by a fellow student to another on the issue) wanting to making people suffer in their own country.

    If anything their damn country needs to fix itself up. How? I don't know. Obviously, going to war is not helping. Look at Iraq.

    OH WAIT, are you going to want them to illegally immigrate here too?!

    How about we just let every single undocumented person come here?

    That's not how it works. You try to go immigrate to Mexico and they'll fucking SHOOT YOU AT THE BORDER.

    So if we're going to play this little game of combining countries, we better have both sides free and open to cross.
    March 8th, 2008 at 02:32am
  • soccer_addix

    soccer_addix (100)

    United States
    all u ppl need to open ur eyes
    its over 1000 dollars for the starting paperwork to "legally" enter the us
    the ppl immigrating here are from the poor parts of Mexico
    how do they pay the entry fee
    y dont you stop being narrow minded bigoted assholes and attempt to facilitate the process to come legally
    the the legal way is designed to allow the rich in

    January 2nd, 2008 at 11:36pm
  • MellowCosmos

    MellowCosmos (150)

    United States
    My dad lives in this country legally. He moved here from Venezuela. He did all the paperwork, learned english, and paid his way into the country. Illegal immigrants don't even bother to do this... It disturbs me :(

    I'm not quite sure what this woman's intention was. Maybe she was just showing her students how easy it is to hack the system?

    Scary thought.
    December 31st, 2007 at 03:50pm
  • LipstickLullaby!

    LipstickLullaby! (105)

    United States
    sorry bout that i meant 2 say DNT GET MAD AT ME! =]
    December 28th, 2007 at 05:41am
  • LipstickLullaby!

    LipstickLullaby! (105)

    United States
    Even though I'm from the USA i still agree with [Peace Love and Stuff] this country needs to stop being so ignorant. I agree with the whole project the teacher assigned her students to do. She wasn't forcing her beliefs on them or anything like that, and I'm not saying it to be biased even tho i do know many ppl that have come here illegally . I agree yea they shouldn't be coming to America illegally but come on America needs to stop trying to keep everyone who isn't an "American" out! ok yea some of them have worked hard to be where they are today but come on i doubt every single American has worked so hard and deserve to be in this country. ALSO IM SORRY IF IN ANY WAY I OFFENDED PPL OK I DIDN'T INTEND 2 IM JUS SAYIN MY OPINION ON THIS OK SO PLZ DNT GET MADE AT ME! =]
    December 28th, 2007 at 03:39am
  • Adam Glambert.

    Adam Glambert. (200)

    United States
    The only reason I was pissed off with Amanda was because she just threw all these bullshit words together and then went off about them not speaking English. My great grandfather didn't speak a single word of English when I cam to this country, but he still did all the dirty work that no-one was willing to do, and he worked damn hard, too.
    Sorry, I worded it wrong. I just looked at the post again.

    When I said, "blah blah blah...not knowing a word of English...blah blah blah" I forgot to put in "not even bothering to learn the language."

    None of my ancestors knew English when they came over here, either, but damn it, they at least TRIED to learn it. And that's what pisses me off the most about illegals. The vast majority (I have quite a few in my school, and I live in Indiana--go figure)--and I'm not saying all of them, no--don't even bother to learn the damn language. I don't care about why they came over here, but the least they could've done out of RESPECT for this country--and I know, what's to respect, exactly, well, my answer is gonna be the typical American answer because I know soldiers (and I apologize ahead of time if that, too, is worded wrong) that are dying to protect the freedoms that illegals are taking advantage of--was learn the language.
    December 28th, 2007 at 02:34am
  • The Lovecraft

    The Lovecraft (500)

    Lovesick(Andy, I'm loving your strong comments), you're forgetting the American that killed a loved rockstar and the other American that also killed a young man here. Two cases of American ass killing two people in our country - and did they get away with it? oh YES, they did, because they were judged back home, cozy little America. If two people from a foreign country do as much as steal a candy bar in the U.S., they will be convicted to the full force of the law.
    December 27th, 2007 at 11:00pm
  • The Lovecraft

    The Lovecraft (500)

    I think that the teacher had a wonderful idea. Because, native Americans and people who have lived there their entire life have no idea. Getting a visa to America is probably the most humiliating, degrading, annoying process that you can go through, not to mention that there are many cases when it doesn't even get approved. And to go against the tecaher in any way, would be, truly, truly, ridiculous. Because besides stupid things we forget in maximum three months after we learn them, teachers sometimes have to teach life lessons, which will definitely remain...
    sorry for the possible apparent incoherence.
    December 27th, 2007 at 10:54pm
  • FOXFAN5090

    FOXFAN5090 (100)

    United States
    Hey anna is that from our school????

    Because people in spanish 5 had to do that project i think!

    December 24th, 2007 at 11:23pm
  • Fuck Me Pumps

    Fuck Me Pumps (200)

    "Like I said, she was teaching her students "empathy""

    I see nothing wrong with that. I'd rather have a bunch of empathic students running around than a bunch of hard-assed ones.
    December 24th, 2007 at 08:44am
  • Ridiculosis

    Ridiculosis (150)

    United States
    "Also, I get the feeling we aren't getting ALL the story here. I find it hard to believe that she'd get them to put in so much effort for pointless busy work. Maybe there's a lot of racist/discriminatory remarks going around to Hispanic kids or something. "

    Like I said, she was teaching her students "empathy".
    December 24th, 2007 at 01:21am
  • kafka.

    kafka. (150)

    United Kingdom
    ''and understand how America works like legal citizens do.''

    I am not even gonna comment on that one.

    The teacher didn't want to enforce her opinions on her students, just wanted to show the students how it feels to be an illegal immigrant. It's cute how we all want to help 3rd world kids. But they need to stay there in their little world, away from us. As far away as possible. 200 years ago there were no restrictions to people coming into the US to work. No restrictions at all. Back then there were no backgroung checks or visas.

    Also dunno if you heard about the American guy who raped and killed a girl in Nicaragua -I think- and then got away with it because he was American. He safely returned home and is going to spend a lovely Christmas with his family. Illegal immigrants who commit crimes don't get away with it.

    Einstein said that education is what you're left with after you forget everything you learned in school. I think this was a hell more helpful than most things you do in school.

    I think to blame is the whole visa/green card obtaining process. It's horrible. I have a friend who tried to get a visa last year. Only at the embasy they made her wait 3 hours in from of the building, you are not even allowed to stay on the same side of the street as the building, then when she got in she wasn't allowed to sit down, go to the bathroom or drink water. She had to run from office to office for about an other 3 hours. And that was just one small step of the journey, you need mountains and mountains of paperwork.
    December 23rd, 2007 at 08:19pm
  • Fuck Me Pumps

    Fuck Me Pumps (200)

    'This teacher is simply a bitch for enforcing her beliefs upon a group of students. Isn't that what you're not supposed to do?'

    Also, I get the feeling we aren't getting ALL the story here. I find it hard to believe that she'd get them to put in so much effort for pointless busy work. Maybe there's a lot of racist/discriminatory remarks going around to Hispanic kids or something.

    God knows there's a few kids I'd like to put through that. I'm part Asian, part Scottish, part Italian and part welsh, all immigrated blood. And I tend to get a lot of derogatory remarks when my race comes up. All about immigrating. I actually think it's a good idea.
    December 23rd, 2007 at 11:11am
  • Fuck Me Pumps

    Fuck Me Pumps (200)

    I'm not trying to say it is entirely the illegal immigrant's fault. I'm sure most of us would try to do the same thing if we lived in the poor area of Mexico. The ones to blame are the people hiring them and the assholes giving them licenses."


    The only reason I was pissed off with Amanda was because she just threw all these bullshit words together and then went off about them not speaking English. My great grandfather didn't speak a single word of English when I cam to this country, but he still did all the dirty work that no-one was willing to do, and he worked damn hard, too.

    I don't know, maybe the country should be tougher on security and background checks before you can hire someone. Like they HAVE to have a working Visa to work anywhere. (I know that's how it is in Aus. And we don't have any problems.)

    Does the US have detention Centers? We have them in Australia and they're used to house and educate illegal immigrants until they're LEGALLY processed and become legal. They have good conditions and they all get fed, and most of the refugees and illegal immigrants we get are war-refugees or from poverty stricken countries. And here, before you can hire anyone they have to legally have a TFN (Tax File Number), otherwise it's literally impossible to pay them. You can pay them in cash but that comes to bite you in the ass when Tax time comes and then you get caught. Why don't you guys just do that?
    December 23rd, 2007 at 11:05am
  • Ridiculosis

    Ridiculosis (150)

    United States
    I agree with you, Kyra.
    Kids are freaking out about it at school.
    I had to go down and look at the projects. In my opinion, it was such a waste of time.
    December 23rd, 2007 at 08:53am