I Heart Boobies - Comments

  • gotta agree with nein. The school system doesnt give a flyin fuck about students like us. Granted, a LARGE portion of students are just being immature about it, the teachers don't care to listen to a students opinion unless
    A. they're parents donate a shitfuck ton of money to the school
    B. the student is a star athelete(and yeah, i'm not trusting my opinion with a meat head depending on Football for college.)
    C. The student can in someway benefit the school (aka, increase a teacher's paycheck)
    It's the horrible way America works. America can go fuck itself. We no longer have the right to work towards what we individuals want, we have to aspire to have a white picket fence, and a mindless housewife. Besides, you forget the education system's motto. No imagination, no fun, no laugheter, no education in American education. Sorry, kinda ranted and it might have been pointless, but, that's my take on things.
    December 1st, 2010 at 04:11pm
  • Schools have always been retard since day one
    its either there way or jail these days
    no mater the cause

    reason why i dropped out , to support breast cancer and banning it from a school
    is beyond stupid they don't care they won't listen and they don't want to care or listen they just want a pay check every month for sitting on there asses all day
    December 1st, 2010 at 03:54pm