LGBT Discrimination - Comments

  • tiffagold

    tiffagold (100)

    United States
    Yes I agree with the comment below, this is a very flawed article but your heart is in the right place. I am very sorry you were bullied and I am sorry to those who are being bullied because of their sexuality. Personally I have gotten in to tons of fights over the years (phyiscal and verbal) for defending anyone who was apart of the LGBT community or was even claimed to be apart of it. I personally feel love is love and if you like someone of the same sex why is it anyone else business but yours? It's like the heterosexual relationships, they make no point to be digusted by them but they are disgusted from gay relationships. It's unfair and inhumane. I hope that one day this issue will pass and people will just get over themselves.
    June 29th, 2012 at 10:49pm
  • Airi.

    Airi. (2240)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Discrimination is a horrible thing and I really do hope to see the day where the LGBTQ no longer faces so much discrimination. As a lesbian, I've faced a lot of discrimination over the years and I was bullied in middle and high school as well for sexuality. It's a horrible thing to go through and I would never wish it on anyone. The discrimination of the LGBTQ community is a big issue and it does need to be stopped. We need to continue working towards stopping it and developing a more accepting society.

    However, with that being said, I feel this article was highly flawed. Something that could have been very beneficial to this article was to include more statistics and provide reliable sources for those statistics. Giving a percentage for how many LGBTQ people reported being harassed at work was a good start, but you could have gone further. Like including how many LGBTQ youth reported being bullied in school, how many LGBTQ people have felt suicidal and/or attempted suicide, or how many LGBTQ people were not welcomed by their parents after coming out and how that effected him. For articles like this, statistics can be a very big help and this article could have been a lot better and made more of an impact had statistics been included. It could have aided in showing how bad discrimination is for the LGBTQ community and how much it effects people. Just a bit of advice for future articles you may write. (:

    Also, some of your information is flawed as well. Firstly, gays and lesbians can serve openly within the U.S military. It is true that in the past under Don't Ask Don't Tell (DADT), gays and lesbians were barred from serving openly in fear of being discharged for their sexuality. However, in September of 2011, this law was repealed and gays and lesbians can now serve openly without the fear of discharge. So the U.S does allow gays and lesbians to serve openly in their military.

    Secondly, there are six States that have marriage equality not five. Those States being the ones you listed and New York, who legalized it in June of 2011. There are also three States in waiting. Washington, Maryland, and Maine will all vote this November on whether to legalize same-sex marriage or not. Hopefully all three States will do what is right and vote in favor of same-sex marriage.

    Thirdly, New Jersey is not the only State with civil unions. There are five States that allow civil unions. Those States being New Jersey, Hawaii, Delaware, Illinois, and Rhode Island. Another piece of advice I have for you is please do your research and check to make sure your facts are right before you post something because the current facts you have in this article are highly flawed.

    I do apologize if I sounded rude, that wasn't my intent. Cute I'm just trying to help you with some friendly advice, I mean no offense. (:
    June 27th, 2012 at 09:17am