World Malaria Day

Falciparum Malaria which is commonly known as Malaria is a disease that is transmitted most commonly through an Anopheles mosquito. Malaria begins with the parasites of the plasmodium species. These parasites inhabit a mosquito which is most likely the reason why this disease is easily spread –through the bite of a mosquito. Although, this species can also be found in rodents, bats, other mammals, birds and reptiles; mosquitoes are the most common reason why this disease is spreading so quickly. Mosquitoes are not choosy or picky with their host; it can either be an animal or a human. Hence, animals can be affected by this disease as well.

World Malaria Day is commemorated every April 25th to prevent such diseases that are increasing every day. It is a day that calls everyone to be aware of this disease and help prevent it.

Cases of Malaria

The people who get affected by this disease range to 300-500 million each year. Cases of malaria are found in most tropical places such as the sub-Saharan Africa, Asia, and Latin America. America has the least number of cases that range 1,000-1,300 each year. Most of those cases are found in people who travel a lot, those who belong to the military personnel and immigrants who have been infected outside the United States. Plasmodium Falciparum is most commonly found in Africa and kills over two million children every year. The reason why the number of malaria cases is extremely high in Africa is because of their lack of supplies that can help prevent this disease.

Symptoms of Malaria

One symptom that can easily be detected is the flu –high fever, chills and muscle pain. Children who are infected with this disease experience drowsiness, irritability and pain all over the body. Even one type of malaria can cause more serious problems to the brain and lungs which can be very deadly. If it affects the brain, one may experience loss of consciousness; if it affects the kidney, the amount of urine may drop.

Prevention of Malaria

It all begins with the mosquito, so if you start by finding ways on how to avoid mosquitoes loitering around your house, you’re off to a good start. Place window screens and use insect repellants if possible. Those who live in rural areas should place mosquito nets around their bed to prevent mosquitoes from infecting them in their sleep. These are some, if not all, the solutions on how to prevent malaria from spreading.

It may be hard but it is not impossible to make this world safe for children to live in. Be a part of the long but steady journey on preventing malaria.

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