Day Of Silence 2008

Day Of Silence 2008 The 12th Annual National Day of Silence will be held this April 25th. This year, it's held in memory of Lawrence King, an 8th grader from California who was shot and killed by a fellow classmate because of his sexual orientation. This day was created to bring awareness to the anti-LGBT (Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, and Transgenders) harassment. Everyday, thousands of LGBT around the country are verbally or physically harassed and abused. This needs to stop. Over the past twelve years, hundreds of thousands of students have taken part in the Day of Silence. It's up to you to want to make the stand.

This Day of Silence is a Nationwide student event. Bring information to your school to have you own Day of Silence. On the Day of Silence webpage,, you are able to sign up and become part of the LGBT community. Students may print out speaking cards that say:

"Silent for Lawrence King:
Please understand my reasons for not speaking today. I am participating in the Day of Silence (DOS), a national youth movement bringing attention to the silence faced by lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people and their allies. My deliberate silence echoes that silence, which is caused by anti-LGBT name-calling, bullying and harassment. This year’s DOS is held in memory of Lawrence King, a 15 year-old student who was killed in school because of his sexual orientation and gender expression. I believe that ending the silence is the first step toward building awareness and making a commitment to address these injustices. Think about the voices you are not hearing today."

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