9/11 - Rhapsody Of Eternal Grieving

9/11 - Rhapsody Of Eternal Grieving Tuesday, September 11 - 8:46 AM - American Airlines Flight 11 from Boston for Los Angeles crashes into the world Trade Center, into its North Tower. 17 minutes later, at 9:03 AM, United Airlines Flight 175 flying towards the same destination crashes into the South Tower at the World Trade Center. 42 minutes later, at 9:45 AM American Flight 77 crashes into the Pentagon, the headquarters of the United States Department of Defense.

United Flight 93, the 4th airplane that was hijacked, crashed in Pennsylvania after the brave passengers tried to confront hijackers.

An hour and 45 minutes after the first plane, hijacked by Al-Qaeda, had crashed into the World Trade Center, New York was wrapped up in fog, cries, ruins of the Twin Towers, ruins of the people’s lives.

Today, on the 6th anniversary of the attack on America, the whole wide world bows down to mark the moment of a great loss. Relatives of the 9/11 victims gathered today in a small park and silently grieving marked the anniversary.

A sound of bells was piercing the air, breaking the silence. President Bush and first Lady Laura Bush, along with the authorities, took part in a moment of silence, to remember the day that changed the USA, that changed the world.

"That day we felt isolated, but not for long and not from each other. Six years have passed, and our place is still by your side", Mayor Michael Bloomberg said.

The terrorist attacks took 2,974 victims - 2,750 at the World Trade Center, 184 at the Pentagon and 40 in Pennsylvania, plus 19 hijackers.

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