The Sounds of Hell?

The Sounds of Hell? A research team in Siberia were said to have drilled 4.4 km into the Earth to find out more about tectonic plates. The team were confused to find an air pocket with temperatures of 2,000 Fahrenheit. They lowered sensitive microphones into the pocket to record the sounds of the Earth moving. When they listened to the sounds on the computers, the scientists were sickened by what they heard.

"It was sometimes a weak but high pitched sounds, which we believed to be coming from the equipment", explained Dr. Azzacov. "But after some adjustments, we comprehended that the sound was indeed coming from the earth's interior. We could hardly believe our own ears. We heard a human voice, screaming in pain. Even though one voice was discernible, there were thousands, maybe millions in the background, suffering, screaming".

There is much information floating about on the Internet and many variations of the story. There are newspaper clippings of the story dated back varying dates. Many people claim the tapes were found by a relative after a scientist had passed away. Some people say the research team tried to keep it quiet, for fear of national panic.

Many people are cynical saying it is a Christian hoax to get people to convert. This has been debated on forums countless times. The truth being: no one (besides the research team) will know if they are true or not. The concept itself is frightening and many claim to have turned to Christianity in a bid to avoid this 'hell'.

Listen to the recordings. The sounds are extremely strange and may scare you.

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