Computers Now Legal in Cuba

Computers Now Legal in Cuba Under the rule of Fidel Castro, technological advancements for Cuban citizens were very restricted. Until just last month, items such as DVD players and motorbikes were unavailable to the general public. However, on May 2, 2008, Raul Castro made personal computers available for sale in the government run shops of Cuba, which of course under their communist government, every shop in Cuba is government-controlled.

The available computer includes a tower-style QTECH hard-drive and a large CRT monitor. This model features an Intel Celeron processor with eighty gigabytes of memory, as well as the Microsoft Windows XP operating system. The price is $780, or 505€. This price is criticized for being highly unreasonable, seeing as how you can get a computer with a flat-screen monitor, twice the memory and Windows Vista for nearly $100 dollars less in other locations.

The computers were assembled in Cuban factories, however parts were imported from China. Havana's Carlos III shopping center is currently the only location with government approval to sell computers, however more stores are expected to be granted permission. Computers have been attainable in Cuba illegally for quite sometime through selling on the black market, and the price was similar to what it is now to legally buy one. However, this price is out of reach and too expensive for many Cubans. The Cuban government controls over 90% of their economy, and the average state salary is only $19.50.

Although being able to buy computers is a large social step for Cuba, their citizens still face many technological restrictions. Most citizens are barred from accessing the internet by their government, and most of the citizens who do have internet access obtained it illegally. If Cubans were to gain internet access, what they could actually do would be somewhat limited due to the fact that they have no credit cards for shopping. Raul Castro has stated he wishes to dispose of these restrictions, however nothing specific has been said.

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