How Do I keep Falling For This Ass? - Comments

  • Hey... I've fallen for multiple gay guys, 1 stoner whoreface that I still can't over and dated my current stalker. I hate the 'tough' guys because you can't talk to them. I keep falling for whoreface even though I know he has a girlfriend and him massaging me and telling me that I've got the best personality is fake. But whoreface has got mad charisma and snakebites and red hair(my weakness). He left for 6 months and before that I ignored him. It was great until he attempted to start talking to me again. Makes me feel bad for him in the "I need help." way. He's not tough. But it's just as bad. Tell Billy to stay away from you. It could make you happier. When I think of whoreface... my heart hurts. Tell Billy to go bite his fingers off in a hole.

    Hope life gets better.
    September 15th, 2008 at 08:53am
  • Billy sounds like bad news, and you'll just get hurt over and over again if you let him take advantage of you. I think you're experiencing what everyone experiences: you never forget your first love. Ever. I always remember the first guy who ever asked me out, and I sometimes I feel a little remorse that we aren't still together. But we're still friends, and whenever I'm nostalgic, I just remind myself why we aren't meant for each other. It really sounds like Billy is just taking advantage of the way you feel about him. Every time you think about going back to him, go through all the reasons you listed above. Do you really want to be with a guy who ignores you, blames you, and isn't there for you? That's the only advice I can offer, and I hope it helps at least a little. In the end, though, you just have to answer to yourself. I often tell people (and myself) this: advice is something you ask for when you already know the answer but you don't want to accept it. Until you figure this out, try to stay away from Billy. He has a strong influence over you, and you probably can't think straight when he's around. I hope everything works out!
    September 15th, 2008 at 06:09am