School School School - Comments

  • abandoned by owner.

    abandoned by owner. (150)

    United States
    I'm in high school tenth grade.

    Seventh grade sucked for me. eighth was hell.

    don't worry about it... ninth and tenth grade are the years... you'll despise but love.

    Its already My tenth year and i already got threatened.

    The soon to be slut... she's usually not... trust me on this fact. if she wants to wear booty shorts... let her, she's got the legs let her wear them... if you wanna be indifferent, ignore her, Vanessa, she'll see whats coming round to her for having a friend like that and do what she thinks or knows is right. now stephanie?? its hurts to be smart and try to dumb yourself down, and if those friends believed that lie then they weren't your friends.

    middle school is just popularity in high school... its all about who gets preggo first, how much weed you smoke, how many curfew tickets you got, and how many legs you've spread.

    they'll get whats coming to them maybe in highschool... the ones who are that way now... they lose it all about senior year...
    September 16th, 2008 at 12:19pm