My True Self by Andrew L. Herrera - Comments

  • TheThirdAngel357

    TheThirdAngel357 (110)

    United States
    Awwwww. Tearjerker! You got alot of guts telling that to your parents. Nine? holy heck, that's so young (to me). Meh, I didn't have alot of friends growing up either. I was the creepy redheaded girl that drew on her jeans. T.T Heheh, it's funny how I got so excited over having my first gay friend (my friend Bryce). i was all "You're gay?" *raise eyebrow with blank face* and he's all "uhm...yeah." Then i smiled, shrugged, and said "cool". He's been my best buddy ever since (even though I annoy him severely with my constant smiling and positive attitude). X3
    April 11th, 2009 at 12:39pm